Corner Crossing: Public Wins!


Aug 9, 2020
Nobody, not even the ultra wealthy, can exclude the public from accessing public land per the Unlawful Inclosures Act of 1885!

Some credit where credit is due:
Support the excellent reporting of Wyofile. Angus Thuermer has handled this story so well.
This battle never would have happened if it wasn't for the leadership of the Wyoming BHA chapter. They convinced the Missouri Four to fight this rather than just pay the trespassing fine, and then proceeded to bankroll their legal fees.
My take is that this is far from over. The owner has deep pockets as do his friends and they are going to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court no matter what it costs.
My take is that this is far from over. The owner has deep pockets as do his friends and they are going to appeal all the way to the Supreme Court no matter what it costs.
Even with the deep pockets, I would imagine him and his lawyers are getting tired of getting embarrassed. They’ve lost their ass and everything they’ve tried.
Great news. I can't wait to hear the next steps... It will take a few years, but I can't wait for the supreme court to finally settle this...
Good decision. Are all the checkerboard corners marked with a survey marker like the picture in the article?
Just posted a thread about this a few minutes ago, didn't see this one.
@fngTony can you delete my thread?

WOW!! So many acres just became unquestionable accessable!
Great news. I can't wait to hear the next steps... It will take a few years, but I can't wait for the supreme court to finally settle this...
They may not settle this, they don't have to. They may refuse to get involved. If it goes to Supreme Court, and they rule on it, I would imagine the majority or all would back the lower court.
Some credit where credit is due:
Support the excellent reporting of Wyofile. Angus Thuermer has handled this story so well.
This battle never would have happened if it wasn't for the leadership of the Wyoming BHA chapter