Considering switching from outdoorsmans to clamp/strap connector

Jul 6, 2018
I’ve been using outdoorsmans for a good while now, but I’ve been thinking of switching to an Aziak/RRS style. (I use the post with an arca adapter and a couple different arca-based non-outdoorsmans heads) Outdoorsmans is great quality, made near me, and I have no complaints while sitting behind it.

But… the clamp style connectors have no separate parts to keep track of, lose, or forget at home. While I haven’t lost one yet, I’m all for simplifying my gear and setup process. Anyone made the switch and either loved it or hated it?
I use both and can't say that I have a preference either way. The RRS is especially nice if you don't have or don't want the stud on your bins and it's adaptable to almost everything.
Tried both. Biggest complaint with the clamp was that it fit inside my bino harness a little goofy. Also I didn’t care for being able to feel it while hand holding binos. I use the stud now, and would have a hard time getting rid of that system.

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I had the clamp/strap type at first, until it fell off and I lost it. Then I put my first Outdoorsman’s stud on a pair of EL. My complaint with them was the binos were not centered on the tripod. Therefore, the larger the binos, the longer the radius(center of tripod to eyepiece), became, and the longer, wider circumference to pan(more head, neck, and upper body movement). The NL Pure solved that disadvantage, ( one hinge caused the center of binos to be more centered on tripod), so now, I’m satisfied with the Outdoorsman stud and post on the NL Pure.
I had an aziak but have since gone back to a stud. Biggest complaint for me was not being able to level the binos if my tripod was slightly off kilter. Definitely was idiot proof since you couldn’t forget it.

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You can listen to this guy's opinion and experience regarding this dilemma. He tends to be fairly unbiased and makes a couple of good arguments that are worth considering..