Considering selling my Swaro ATX and getting a Leupold GR I crazy?

when it comes to spotters Hensoldt all the way ... i checked out the Swaro at SH16 and then the Henny - no comparisons in clarify - but if you want an alround get teh Swaro -- but if you want a dedicated rifle spotter then the Henny!! The leupold isnt even close to the Henny or Swaro.
The Henny isn't the end all be all spotter. I had a Henny and a Leupold GR and I grabbed the Leupold if I was going to the field 90% of the time. Not saying the Leupold was better then the Henny, just saying the Henny didn't offer enough extra to justify the extra weight and bulk for my pack.

So sold the Henny and bought the ATC. The ATC was better then the GR in every category and sold the GR.

Now sold the ATC to get a straight spotter since I couldn't get used to finding game in the angled eyepiece.

Now the question is STC or STS 65mm or Kowa 66.