Considering moving before my Fiancee and I plant roots.

Another vote for Nebraska! Central/western NE more specifically. I grew up there and now live in eastern Nebraska but wouldn't hesitate to move back. Lower cost of living, good people, good work opportunities, low crime and you're only a 5 hour drive to the mountains (depending on where).
But the wind!! Man Ive been through kansas, NE and the dakotas and that wind drives me CRAZY!
Where can you find an apprentiship that will let you transfer? Try to find a local that typically has work so you don't spend your career on the road.
We took a year off to discover where we wanted to live, family of 4 and found and fell in Love w Idaho. Expensive but we are in construction and our business is doing well here and it all works out. I will second Northern NM. Beautiful country and affordable. If you can find a way to make a living there Angel Fire NM is lovely and full of Elk
I will 3rd AK.,,,
I'm 55 and still thinking about going.

It’s never too late, but you’re not getting any younger either. Some of the best hunting opportunities to be had are here, and tags are free for residents, but youth has its advantages….just sayin’.

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But the wind!! Man Ive been through kansas, NE and the dakotas and that wind drives me CRAZY!
Lol, yes it can be nasty but its nicer more days than it is crappy. I guess you just get used to it living here. Its always funny to travel somewhere and they get a 20mph wind and its a big deal.
Nebraska, "The tax me state." Not near as bad as NY but high for the Midwest. If no ties to anywhere take advantage of cheaper living.

WY, SD, or ND.

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If I had it to do all over, I would actually live near a larger city so I could earn top wages for 10-15 years. Cost of living is higher but you set yourself up for a solid retirement wherever you want to go. If you go for cheap cost of living right now, you will also likely have lower wages to go along with that. You may enjoy your time but you box yourself in to that lower cost of living. I opted for country Midwest living 25 years ago and essentially feel stuck. My house is very nice for the area I live and it is maybe worth 300k. To buy the same level of home in a mountain state, I would be looking at almost triple the cost and would earn basically the same wages. Hate to say it but if I had it to do over, I would likely choose the front range in Colorado and live as cheap as possible for 10-15 years.
Looking at moving out west somewhere closer to like minded people where I can hunt, shoot, hike and fish. I am a Union electrician apprentice in my 3rd year and she works as a data analyst for the local university. We have always lived in the Fingerlakes region of NY but just looking at moving to a better area before having kids with everything the politicians keep doing in NY to hurt the working class people and the atmosphere. Just looking for ideas of areas and such. Thanks

There are easier ways to get out of an engagement my friend!
Looking at moving out west somewhere closer to like minded people where I can hunt, shoot, hike and fish. I am a Union electrician apprentice in my 3rd year and she works as a data analyst for the local university. We have always lived in the Fingerlakes region of NY but just looking at moving to a better area before having kids with everything the politicians keep doing in NY to hurt the working class people and the atmosphere. Just looking for ideas of areas and such. Thanks
The west is pretty diverse and has plenty to offer, but it hard to find people who all are like minded outside of insulated communities.
Hate to say it but if I had it to do over, I would likely choose the front range in Colorado and live as cheap as possible for 10-15 years.

I’m not sure when you last looked at the front range, but I wouldn’t describe it as cheap by any measure of the word. Maybe you mean 25 years ago?
There are lots of places to choose from, if you decide to come to Colorado go west over the divide. The Front Range is not a place to live, even if you can afford it.
NM is full and we only hunt people around here (record smashing murder rate this year). I hear Montana needs people.