Compression sacks!!!

Organization wise, check out the ultralight (and ultratough) kifaru pullouts - Kuiu makes the same thing, but I can confidently say the Kifaru ones are really tough. Haven't been as hard on the Kuiu ones...yet. For a true compression sack, look at the sea to summit evac compression bags. But, you may find that you won't actually need the compression sack and can just get the regular sea to summit evac/event dry bags. Toss your stuff in, close and compress the air out. The straps aren't necessary - especially if you stuff this in the bottom of the bag. As you pack the rest of your pack, it'll compress on its own. Here' a video I did on the kifaru pullouts:Kifaru Pullouts and one on the sea to summit bags: Sea To Summit Dry Bags

Good Luck!
I use sinylon stuff sacs. I usually make them myself. However, I just ordered a few from simply light designs since he's selling them for $3/piece currently. I'm not all affiliated with him. I just know a good deal when I see one. And, I buy a lot of gear from him due to his low prices. God Bless
I use a variety of stuff sacks from OR. Used to use compression sacks but fully compressed things tend to hold a specific shape and make it harder to pack my bag, so I just use dry stuff sacks to contain my various gear categories and they remain playable enough to pack nicely together.

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