Compact Spotter

May 28, 2024
Hey y’all - long time lurker here. Really appreciate everything I’ve learned from the forum.

I’m looking at getting a new spotter to replace an old Leupold Ventana; I’m partial to one of the compact spotters (I’m a smaller frame guy). My hunts this year are for mule deer in high country Colorado (elevations of 8k-11k feet around Vail) and I have a dedicated hunter slot for the next 3 years in Boulder/Kaiparowits in Utah (elevations of 4k-11k ft).

I currently carry the Steiner Predator LRF 10x42 for binos, I’m a fan of them. I can consistently spot deer out to ~1500 yards and I like having one unit for glassing and ranging.

I think I have a couple options with a ~$2,000-2,500 budget.
1) spend the money on the Swaro STC/ATC and not upgrade my binos; possibly upgrade binos next year
2) sell the Steiners, upgrade my binos, and get a rangefinder but then spend less on a spotter and get the vortex 56mm razor.
3) save some cash for gas/flights and just get the 56mm razor or the Kowa 55 (now that the Kowa is $2k there’s not a lot of savings there)

How would you spend your money?
Sounds like no real need to move away from your rangefinder binos if you're happy with that system. I've never used Steiners before so no help there.

Don't rule out the Gen 1 Kowa 553/554. It can be had for nearly half of what the new version costs. Several for sale in the classifieds here too.
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I have the first gen kowa 55 and its a great little spotter. I think the other suggestion is pretty spot with there being some awesome deals in the classifieds for around $1200.
The only thing that drew me away from the Kowa 553/554 was the FOV, even if you say razor loses 20% edge to edge it’s still ahead in “clear” FOV. Maybe the Kowa glass makes up for it?

How much does this even matter?

FOV below are at min/max power at 1000 yards for each.
553/554 - 132/69’
TSN-55 - 192/105’
ATC/STC - 186/102’
Razor 56mm - 168/89’
Sounds like no real need to move away from your rangefinder binos if you're happy with that system. I've never used Steiners before so no help there.

Don't rule out the Gen 1 Kowa 553/554. It can be had for nearly half of what the new version costs. Several for sale in the classifieds here too.
I do have a rangefinder I use while bow hunting but I’ve been able to get the Steiners to range at 1300+ on a bright day and I know my little $250 rf can’t. I’m not sure what handheld rfs can do nowadays.

I’m not married to the Steiners though. Probably no weight savings between having 2 separate units and 1 LRF Bino.
You can easily glass with the STC/ATC, IMO unless you're going big binos there really isn't a huge advantage going from mediocre 10's to alpha 10's. I love good glass but I just run old Razor 10s for binos, I've run alpha a lot and don't feel like they give me any advantage over what I've got as far as general-purpose binos go.

As far as spotters go, alpha glass makes a huge difference, I haven't used the new Kowa but own an ATC and it's a great little spotter, it blows the OG Kowa and every other small spotter I've used out of the water. It won't replace an alpha 80mm+ spotter but it's phenomenal for what it is. For general basin glassing the ATC is awesome for 3+ mile glassing I don't feel like a small spotter is enough.
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I don't glass/grid with my compact spotter so more FOV is not a priority, and definitely not worth twice the cost. I'd stick to the lighter weight and more mag of the gen 1 kowa 55. The little Razor 56 is nice, but my sample had a pretty stiff mag and focus adjuster, so it went back. I prefer the dual focus on the Kowas.
I ended up with a demo ATC for about $2050. Worst case, I can resell.

Close runner up was a demo KOWA-55A for $2100 (available at Cameraland right now).

Thanks yall!
Big believer in swarovski atc. Swaro also has great customer service and hold their value if you ever decide to change.
Big believer in swarovski atc. Swaro also has great customer service and hold their value if you ever decide to change.
Ran it for a scouting trip a few weeks ago, and loved it. Picked out a bear at 1700 yards, and got some neat videos with it.