Coming soon—review of the Sitka Ambient 100 vest


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Oct 18, 2016
I have to admit I was never much of a vest guy (I had a Filson vest I wore a lot but that was more for style than function). I've been using the Ambient vest quite a bit the last couple of months and have changed my mind on vests :) Won't be ditching any of my active insulation jackets, but I think there is definitely a niche that an active vest can fill very nicely.

I am looking forward to it. I have a down vest and I find it is pretty useful. I have been looking for a synthetic to keep in my ski backpack for active wear.
I haven’t found the right application for mine yet. Will be interested to hear how you are using it in your system
Spoiler alert: like the rest of the Ambient line, it’s pretty awesome.

Bought mine in September and wore it all the way through October into late rifle. Then I switched to my Ambient 100 hooded jacket.

It’s definitely a new staple in my early season kit and a great combo with the UL75 that offers more versatility than the 100 alone.