Colorado Wolves Now Have 'Names'

Mar 4, 2014
Not a fan of the wolves and the extremism in the governor’s office. However, this is a public forum that is used against us when we sound like a bunch of blood thirsty rednecks.
We need to be better to win the Mtn lion fight this year. Good luck to you all.


Dec 8, 2018
Not a fan of the wolves and the extremism in the governor’s office. However, this is a public forum that is used against us when we sound like a bunch of blood thirsty rednecks.
We need to be better to win the Mtn lion fight this year. Good luck to you all.
we should reach across the aisle and embrace them when they ban firearms and hunting seasons. Thats always worked in the past lol

They always have ignored their own management plans in every state they introduced wolves. How do you reason with pathological liars? These are the same dangerous morons that think genital mltilation of American and Canadian children should be celebrated


Jan 29, 2022
The West
we should reach across the aisle and embrace them when they ban firearms and hunting seasons. Thats always worked in the past lol

They always have ignored their own management plans in every state they introduced wolves. How do you reason with pathological liars?
You set up interest groups and get big old fat stacks of dollars and you get the dirtiest, scumiest, nastiest grease ball lawyers who are effective and you sue, and you sue and you sue some more, you pull every piece of legalese apart with a fine tooth comb and you tie up their plans in court for decades, aka exactly what the other side does!

Then If you are one of those lawyers you go buy a sweet piece of hunting property because you just got filthy rich 🤑
Sep 13, 2016
You set up interest groups and get big old fat stacks of dollars and you get the dirtiest, scumiest, nastiest grease ball lawyers who are effective and you sue, and you sue and you sue some more, you pull every piece of legalese apart with a fine tooth comb and you tie up their plans in court for decades, aka exactly what the other side does!

Then If you are one of those lawyers you go buy a sweet piece of hunting property because you just got filthy rich 🤑
Rinse and repeat.
Feb 2, 2020
You set up interest groups and get big old fat stacks of dollars and you get the dirtiest, scumiest, nastiest grease ball lawyers who are effective and you sue, and you sue and you sue some more, you pull every piece of legalese apart with a fine tooth comb and you tie up their plans in court for decades, aka exactly what the other side does!

Then If you are one of those lawyers you go buy a sweet piece of hunting property because you just got filthy rich 🤑

100% yes that's what the environmental NPs do because that's the only path to get things blocked, and it sucks. The whole system is super F'd up. However, those lawyers for the most part don't make anywhere near as much as others.

A decent example (and only positive one I can think of) is the gondola project up little cottonwood canyon in SLC. It was backed and pushed through by big money, benefiting no one except the wealthy and certainly is not beneficial to the environment, and the majority of middle class people don't want it. Luckily, there's multiple groups suing UDOT over it.

Hunters need more groups using the same techniques if we can't change the system.


Dec 8, 2018
You set up interest groups and get big old fat stacks of dollars and you get the dirtiest, scumiest, nastiest grease ball lawyers who are effective and you sue, and you sue and you sue some more, you pull every piece of legalese apart with a fine tooth comb and you tie up their plans in court for decades, aka exactly what the other side does!

Then If you are one of those lawyers you go buy a sweet piece of hunting property because you just got filthy rich 🤑
interest groups like BHA and Howling for wolves?
Feb 2, 2020
Howling for wolves? BHA seems too busy having pint nights than fighting hunting bans or stopping wolves but maybe they are changing? Not a member

I'm not a BHA member, but to be fair, their mission statement is on access. They recently backed the defendants in that WY corner crossing lawsuit. They legally can't get involved in 2A or wolf humping issues per their nonprofit status. Definitely not trying to open up any kind of debate on BHA... I know they're pretty well hated around here, but I am just pointing out that commonly forgotten piece of info.

There's some other non-profit that recently won an appropriation from Utah , even though they're not based out of Utah. It was for something like predator hunting awareness. I can't remember the name, but at least there's one group out there doing that kind of work.


Feb 15, 2024
Hopefully they all cross into Wyoming and get taken out, and Wyoming should keep there collars as relics.