Hunters are a poor management tool for ungulate populations like some have said, but we are manageable tools none the less... Wolves on the other hand are completely unmanageable, literally untouchable where they are introduced. They have no closed seasons, no shed hunting bans, they completely ignore signs protecting calving areas, and give no rest to the wary after the rut and winter... I joke but truly they will run wild here because these elk herds have no concept of wolves. The moose may fare even worse.
A recent Meateater podcast broached the subject with a wolf biologist. While I believe she is pro-wolf she did say "I wouldn't introduce them, they will slowly get here on their own." She was against introduction in most cases because it's almost impossible to find the right circumstances for introduction.
I've written our reps, spoke to all the hunters, ranchers, friends and anyone who is interested about this. They are all uniformed. Just like the out of state dollars that fund this introduction, I think it's going to take money to advertise against this. Stopthewolf seems kinda sketchy, is that our only option?
With all the non-resident hunting that happens in this state, like it or hate it, I would think more non-residents would care. We need to be encouraging them to spread the word, to donate to the fight. If anything they have more to lose, there aren't many non-resident hunting friendly states left. I can out hike the orange, I can't out hike a wolf...