Colorado Unit 20 Bear


Jan 12, 2023
Pulled a tag in Colorado Unit 20, sounds like it’s a nightmare mix of public/ private land but one thing going for me is I do have access via private land near Kenny Mountain.

Anyone bear hunted in that area? Any advice/ input appreciated!
Bumping, I have the same tag! So far I have put a few hundred miles on the car getting a feel for different parts of the unit, though I live close
You are correct that there is a lot of scattered private/public access. It's likely a matter of covering lots of country with legs and glass. Having access to decent private parcels will likely help.
I think you’d need to have a bear patterned or locate a good food source with sign in order to have a chance at a bear in that unit. Private land isn’t going to help unless it has an ideal food source. I did see a big boar in 20 in the spring but I doubt he’d be around now.
I think you’d need to have a bear patterned or locate a good food source with sign in order to have a chance at a bear in that unit. Private land isn’t going to help unless it has an ideal food source. I did see a big boar in 20 in the spring but I doubt he’d be around now.

Food is scarce, even the campground variety in places with good national forest access around. If anyone feels charitable enough to share a gut pile site or anything else that might appeal to a bear more than an Estes Park trash can, let me know. I’ll be on the lookout until it’s time to load the family up for a road trip later this week

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