Unit 62 Colorado

For future reference. No reason to tag unit numbers on these types of threads. Just describe the terrain and ask your question. We certainly don't need more hunters in this area in September!
I hunted hard during my September rifle bear hunt and only saw two bears with zero shot opportunities. Plenty of natural foods available too.

With September behind, I’m going to pick up another bear tag for 1st rifle, which I’ve never done. I imagine the acorns, rosehips, etc will be gone by then though, so I’m adamant to hunt the 6-9k elevations again. But I don’t know.. should I stay in that range and focus on the creeks and deep canyons?

Alternatively, I’m considering hunting the 10-12,000 foot elevation range and hunting drainages. The recent light snow dustings in my local alpine wilderness have long burned off, and I’m assuming the bears will not be holed up for the winter yet… at least for another 2-3 weeks.

As for spot and stalk mid-October bear in CO.. would you hedge your bets on the 6-9k elevations, or the 9-12k? Are they basically spread out everywhere across the 6k-12k elevation range?
DM me and I can let you know what I found last week