Unit 62 Colorado


Mar 13, 2024
If you are hunting in scrub oak country, longer shots can be very difficult to come by. There are, of course, exceptions and they will usually/almost always involve steep shot angles. I hunt black bear with a 25-06 myself. They aren't very tough animals, but, obviously, a larger caliber will give you more margin of error. I wouldn't overthink either of these 2 caliber options. Take the one you enjoy shooting the most.

When it comes to September bear, you are looking for fresh sign and elevation profile. 2-3 day old sign is too old to be relevant so keep moving if that is what you are seeing. If you are seeing slightly older sign at an elevation, drop elevation by 1,000 feet or more. Don't let the appearance of "good looking" terrain fool you into staying in a spot unless you have cleared the higher elevation profile are waiting for bears to show up at your lower elevation. They move fast through these profiles when they are feeding on oak and an area can be vacuumed up in 24-36 hours and then its over.

You're looking for very fresh sign and always be willing to adjust elevation dramatically, as in packing up and driving 45 minutes down the road adjustment.
Awesome thanks!