I have one with roads and trailheads for White River National Forest, so I know that's out there. If you can't find it I may be able to send it but it could be a couple weeks until I get back home.
Not exactly what you asked for, but I know that for NW Colorado anyways in the unit I hunt, the imagery that loads up in Google Earth is actually from early September 2014 (it should say the date on the lower right). So early archery season anyways.
So from that I've been able to spot quite a few large wall tents / guide camps just from browsing around, since they tend to be in the same spot year to year. Last year I was hoping I was wrong, but sure enough, guides were set up in the exact same spot in the exact same drainage. Just yesterday I spotted a few more, and after looking at some of the pictures in a gallery from one of the outfitters that work the area, I can tell exactly where their 3 wall tent camp is going to be when we're in that neck of the woods this weekend.
Also, if you're hunting NF land, you can ask the field office if they can tell you which outfitters are working and in which drainage. They won't necessarily send you exact locations but the mini-map they sent me came pretty close.