Colorado Partners

You sure about that? Weiners or franks go in a hotdog bun which make a sammich. It can also be a taco if you panini press the bun so it's real thin like.
Sandwich is pretty clearly bread. Taco is pretty clearly flour or corn.
Nah, it was made for lazy parents who can't take 60 seconds to make their kids a real PB&J lol. If anything the parents could use some chores.
My dad just used to put both jars and a couple slices of bread into a brown paper sack and send me on my way. It's for parents who are too stupid to teach a kid to fish.
I'd like a good hunting partner for western hunting.

These are my personal criteria.
1) you have been on a solo big game hunt. I am social but it's not a requirement when I hunt. I hunt solo a lot. I spend the day hunting not around the campfire.
2) you're in good shape. how to measure that? can hike 3-5 miles a day in the mountains. Can you haul elk out with a backpack.
3) you don't mind 2 or 3 day away for the vehicle and tent camping away from the road.

I am thinking southern Colorado Elk early season Oct. 16 -20, 2022. I have 1 pp.
I hunt MO and IA Whitetail and Colorado mule deer. Ready for an Elk hunt.
Hey GCMan. Reading your post... Were you able to draw a tag for this season? Hopefully you have not been pushed away from negative responses to not keep looking for a hunt partner.

I have done more solo hunts then partnered hunts but find value in both
I think it's a good idea to have a certain criteria in mind does a partner... I had to leave a hunt early last archery season called it quits because it was too difficult for him to keep up and keep going for the 10 day hunt.

Since I chose to partner with him I chose to be willing to quit early with him. I made the decision to be a partner and followed through to the conclusion of the hunt.

Having the right partner is key and being a great partner is even more important.
Hey GCMan. Reading your post... Were you able to draw a tag for this season? Hopefully you have not been pushed away from negative responses to not keep looking for a hunt partner.

I have done more solo hunts then partnered hunts but find value in both
I think it's a good idea to have a certain criteria in mind does a partner... I had to leave a hunt early last archery season called it quits because it was too difficult for him to keep up and keep going for the 10 day hunt.

Since I chose to partner with him I chose to be willing to quit early with him. I made the decision to be a partner and followed through to the conclusion of the hunt.

Having the right partner is key and being a great partner is even more important.

So where do you stand on the hotdog/taco/uncrustable debate?
I did get a muzzy elk tag for CO and as you may have concluded I decided to go at it myself. Never imagined my post would end up on a debate about hotdog/taco/uncrustable? I have no idea what that is about.

The internet is an interesting world if nothing else.
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