Colorado or Wisconsin - Your Comments Welcome

Ok, Opportunity knocks and who better to give advice on my life's direction than the Rokslide Nation?
Divorce is final, no kids. I live in Madison, WI and have 72.5 acres (that's what is left after she made me sell off part of it) in the Driftless area of SW WI. Big deer and beauty. I have an opportunity in La Crosse that would allow me to keep the farm and buy a house in town. I could continue to manage my property for big whitetails and turkey and take my one trip out west each year.
I also have an opportunity in Denver. I'd have to sell my land and move to Denver so no more hunting farm but I'd be in (or at least near) the mountains and all that the great American West has to offer. The property taxes in CO are stupid cheap so I would likely have more money to then hunt additional states that would now be much closer. I know, I know, first world problems. I've been looking at housing in Colorado Springs and it looks like a great place but a long drive to downtown Denver and my office.
So, given the chance, would you choose Driftless Wisconsin, the Mississippi River, and private land with big whitetails and turkey or Denver and the chance to be in the mountains nearly every weekend?
Thanks for the advise. I'm losing it over here trying to decide..... The jobs are likely a wash. Same pay, similar benefits, similar clients, etc.
You never mentioned your political preferances. That would be my first box to tick on my checklist. Colorado is a Dem state and is leaning farther into the left every year
Driving out west over the passes on Fridays and returning Sundays is awful on both you and your vehicle. There are a few towns in Colorado I could live in. None are near Denver or Colorado Springs. Traffic and long commutes is a non starter for me. I do like Western Colorado.

I would keep the land and stay in Wisconsin. You have great small game, fishing and deer hunting. Mix in some spring bear and elk hunting out west and you have a pretty good deal going.
You never mentioned your political preferances. That would be my first box to tick on my checklist. Colorado is a Dem state and is leaning farther into the left every year
Madison Wisconsin is as liberal as any place in the country.
As a KS guy who visits the mountains both summer and winter I’d avoid Denver. It’s a clustereff every year regardless of time. I love the mountains, hate crowds, and that area makes me appreciate boring KS. And I love whitetail hunting after work walking right out my door.
I live in WI and family has land in Houston County MN. I’ve looked into the possibility of moving west. If it were CO it would have to be the Denver area for my job. Although being close to family is my primary motivation for staying here, I doubt I’d move to CO anyway. Very liberal and I figure it’d be more difficult to get out regularly there. Lots of close easy to get to fun to be had around here when you own land. I’d stay in WI if I were you and plan a trip or two out west every year
You never mentioned your political preferances. That would be my first box to tick on my checklist. Colorado is a Dem state and is leaning farther into the left every year

What state isn’t leaning further left each year?
I’d stay in WI. Driftless region is awesome for hunting and getting away from it all. LaCrosse is less liberal than Madiscow and the scenery along the River is fantastic. I hunt the northern edge of the Driftless region on my parents farm and hopefully soon will be buying my own property bordering theirs. Call me crazy but I like winter even when it’s -30 during the day.

I visit family in CO every few years and can Say Denver is not fun traffic and people wise. It has changed significantly in the last 10 years. We came back up to Denver from Salida on a Friday and the Traffic headed out of Denver was mind boggling. Bumper to bumper stand still for miles. People complain it’s crowded and it is.
F living in Denver. My sister is in Aurora which apparently isn’t really even Denver but I can’t tell the difference when I visit. Traffic is terrible, you can’t get a decent house for a reasonable amount of money, it’s a long drive to the mountains and when you do go out you have to share the place with a million dirty hippies.

I would do the western slope but even that is getting a little out of control.
I’d stay in WI and wait for/look for/make happen a better opportunity out west. No way would I move to Denver and even more no way would I add a 1+ hour each way commute to my life. Especially if it meant giving up what you have in WI. 6-7 years ago I could have moved to Denver for my work. But I had visited the city a number of times and stayed over weekends a few times to enjoy the mountains and outdoor life there. I could see the writing on the wall for that city then. Other areas of CO. Sure. Denver area, no way. Hold out for something better. With planning and patience you can do much, much better.
Denver has MLB, NBA, NFL, & NHL all walking distance to each other. Restaurant quality has improved immensely, while some of the old mainstays are still around. Theater, live music. Red Rocks for outdoor concerts. The cultural depth of Denver is great and growing. The outdoor experiences are great, Hiking, skiing, biking, fishing, hunting, the opportunities are really endless. I can catch 18-22” trout before work for example. Bike to work road or mtn when not taking kids to school. The single life is better than WI, there are always going to be miserable people. No matter where you live you can’t escape yourself. Location doesn’t change a person.
I spent three years living/working on a ranch outside of Steamboat before moving to the front range. Entirely different worlds. I recently moved back east to be closer to family and have not reminisced on the front range once. I am happy to live remote and spend 1-2 weeks a year chasing critters around my old stomping grounds.

That 70 acres sounds pretty desirable. If you’re set on relocating for a new start and your career field has opportunities further north I would look hard in that direction.

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What state isn’t leaning further left each year?

Its a shame all western States are being ruined by the progressive locusts. Once they ruin their own state they move to good areas and ruin them again. Lived in San Fran in the mid 80's .One of the most beautiful cities in the US. Now ruined. Lived and worked in Portland and Seattle . Now both cities are ruined. I lived in N Virginia and Maryland in the 90's. Used to be good hunting and fishing. Now ruined. Austin Texas used to be a great place to live. Now being ruined.

I grew up in NW WI. I ve lived all over the US and moved west 16 years ago. I still go back to Wi to bird hunt and fish. Driftless are on elf my favs to fly fish. Id stay in WI with your land and wait for a better opportunity out west in a different area.
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32 years ago I was in your shoes.
Freshly divorced, lived in N Minnesota, had the family farm to live on.
Moved to Colorado and it was the best thing ever.
Started life all over again.

Retired 11 days ago and considering getting the hell outta here.

In 2020, no way would I move anywhere near the Front Range.
But everyone is different, you may like it - but I doubt it.
What is Grand Junction like? I have never been but that may also be an option....
Sorry for my ignorance; I appreciate all of your insights.
I moved to CO from WI 45 years ago. Was a great move for me, but I was working in the mountains, could hunt elk and mule deer (and ski) after work (even climbed a 14'er after work once). However growth and traffic got so I didn't even want to be near the Denver area 15 years ago.

Eleven years ago I moved to BC from CO and am really happy to be in area with full services that has 100,000 people vs the front range with several million. Good luck with your choice!