Colorado Fur Trapping


Feb 8, 2021
Last winter was my first run at fur trapping, mainly targeting beavers and muskrats. Its challenging here in Colorado since we're handcuffed to using box traps (no foot holds, snares, conibears, etc except on private land). With that I'm hoping to get some insight and tips from some veteran CO trappers, or general trappers experienced with box traps. I'm looking forward to my second trapping season, hopefully this time with a few pelts to show for it.
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Not to divert traffic from this site, but with no responses,

...the place to be for this question is

Very similar community, but trapping focused. Very willing to help. You will need to get clearance to post from the admin, because they get a lot of animal rights whackos trying to get in and wreak havoc on the site...
Yeah, you guys are pretty well handcuffed with your trapping regs in Colorado.

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I didn’t think trapping was allowed at all in Co unless you have a depredation permit for private land or something like that.
I know guys in Colorado that do pretty good catching bobcats in live traps.
Personally, predator calling is very effective too
If you’re gonna spend time targeting fur in Colorado, high country coyotes and bobcats are where the money is at.
Especially with fur prices way down.

Back in the day, I was getting $150 a pelt for these white bellies. All called in, shot, and sewn up.

I've done ADC beaver work while limited to box traps. My favorite box trap for beaver are the 12x12 comstock double doors. You can set and place them a lot like a body gripper.

+1 for the trapperman forums. It's one of the friendlier places on the internet.
Its 100% easier in CO to just hunt everything furbearing (beavers, muskrats, coyotes, bobcat). I was just hoping to learn something new and get some better skills as far as animal movement and behavior but this state is making that pretty damn difficult.
For muskrats look at colony traps to see if they are legal in Co. Its just a repeating cage trap set under water in runs. May join the state trappers association as well. Good luck. Wish I had more time to trap. One of the best ways to learn about certain animals.
Last winter was my first run at fur trapping, mainly targeting beavers and muskrats. Its challenging here in Colorado since we're handcuffed to using box traps (no foot holds, snares, conibears, etc except on private land). With that I'm hoping to get some insight and tips from some veteran CO trappers, or general trappers experienced with box traps. I'm looking forward to my second trapping season, hopefully this time with a few pelts to show for it.
I've been trapping beaver, muskrat and other critters in colorado for a few years now. (I eat them) its super easy even with box traps. I use a simple set up. Its basically box trap with no springs made from rebar I can send you the details. I set on dens, bank dens, feed piles, runs and like another said I create choke points and funnel them in and dive sticks at both entrances. I offset the triggers to avoid otters and I usually take 5-10 beaver a year. LIVE trap does NOT mean the animal has to BE alive... box traps are defined as a trap the animal enters and can not get out of. which means all my traps are set underwater and the animals are unalived by drowning like a colony trap. It is stupid and cumbersome but I've already bagged one this year and I plan on taking another few this weekend. Trap small streams that aren't too deep or set up on ponds at den entrances.
Last winter was my first run at fur trapping, mainly targeting beavers and muskrats. Its challenging here in Colorado since we're handcuffed to using box traps (no foot holds, snares, conibears, etc except on private land). With that I'm hoping to get some insight and tips from some veteran CO trappers, or general trappers experienced with box traps. I'm looking forward to my second trapping season, hopefully this time with a few pelts to show for it.
I can send you plans for muskrat and beaver traps that work well if you'd like or if you are on the western slope I can take you out and show you my sets. colorado is tricky for trapping but it can be done! its more tricky to find public land to trap than it is actually bagging critters. I've made 3 traps and bought 2, they both work well and I've never had an escape. I use basically the same trap for muskrat only smaller with no trigger just 2 doors set on an angle. they swim in, and then breathe in water before they can get out. I set on muskrat holes or on the sides of streams where they like to swim.
I know guys in Colorado that do pretty good catching bobcats in live traps.
Personally, predator calling is very effective too
The animal activists are trying to kill that by outlawing hunting and trapping of bobcat and mountain lion... tell your friends to squish that nonsense at the ballot box! I've petitioned DOW to expand bag limits on Marmot because they are delicious. Bobcat make good tacos. If you're trapping cats double doors and tall traps work best
For muskrats look at colony traps to see if they are legal in Co. Its just a repeating cage trap set under water in runs. May join the state trappers association as well. Good luck. Wish I had more time to trap. One of the best ways to learn about certain animals.
Colony traps are legal because they meet the definition of live trap in the state. I extensively check the rules. So I don’t get dinged wildlife guys are on speed dial in my phone because I also trap snapping turtles here in Colorado and they’re defined as fish
I can send you plans for muskrat and beaver traps that work well if you'd like or if you are on the western slope I can take you out and show you my sets. colorado is tricky for trapping but it can be done! its more tricky to find public land to trap than it is actually bagging critters. I've made 3 traps and bought 2, they both work well and I've never had an escape. I use basically the same trap for muskrat only smaller with no trigger just 2 doors set on an angle. they swim in, and then breathe in water before they can get out. I set on muskrat holes or on the sides of streams where they like to swim.
Sure, I will message you. Sounds like you’ve found a loophole. I completely thought that you had to set them above water to keep them alive.
Nope. I extensively read the laws and the legal definitions and talk to DOW. Dow would like to keep it low key so the animal activists don’t word the law better though next time. It’s still a pain in the butt because traps are big and heavy so the numbers of catches are absolutely less than you’d get with snares and instant kills but it’s much easier than above ground. I trap for meat so I don’t need more than about 5-10 a year to fill my freezer and keep the wife happy once the ice hits it’s super simple to find bank den entrances and create choke points. As long as your CID is visible and you’re low key no one should know you got traps out in the water. I’ve never been skunked yet! There is usually at least one critter in one of my 5 traps. I use insulated waders and a hook on a stick to help place them and a big knife and hatchet to break ice. Follow bubble trails to bank dens And set right in the entrance.
Nice Cat! Might have to throw a few cages out, I’d love to help the turkey out and get a few pelts while I’m at it, what are you using for lure in the cage?
You should! Colorado has a lot of cats. I kind of geek out with lures, I have quite a few and I use different ones at each set and then take notes on what catches. To be honest, most of them will work if the conditions are right. I really like anything by Halseth, O'Gormans, Dobbins and Grahams. This one was on O'Gormans Powder River Cat Call. I caught another the very next night in the same trap. Once you catch one that trap gets really hot. I will often use the foot off one I have previously caught as well.

If you have any questions let me know.