Colorado draw results 2024

Just pp this year, so not as much excitement. Really looking for the drawn out at info. We had a decent deer hunt last year. Animal quality wasn't super high, but we got one and had a lot of fun. In all the years I have hunted Colorado, this was my first animal on the ground. Good luck all!
It hits your card if you draw automagically you don’t have to call and pay if your drawn?
Some dude on hunt said deer Wednesday elk Thursday and antelope Friday. Idk if that’s real or if he’s blowing smoke
I've been so disappointed the last two years, that I'm not holding my breath. If 27 NR elk points isn't enough, I'm going to take up golf.......or pickle ball! Unit 40 muzzy FWIW.
Thats a treasure, hope you get your tag and cash it too