Colorado bringing wolves in from Canada?

Mar 4, 2014
So, if we are importing wolves from out of the country, are they delisted and not protected with federal laws? The back door shadiness getting the wolves imported has gone very quiet.
NO. We are not sending you more wolves from Canada. They are quite capable of getting there by themselves.
Everything liberals do seems to have one effect.......make the majority of American's lives worse off than they were before. I believe their end goal is to make America a third world country. That's why they feel like they have to do this stuff under the cover of darkness. It's like a cancer, destroying one cell at a time.
They are coming from BC.

We have a pretty intensive wolf control program here in BC due to the dwindling number of caribou, so instead of shooting them, they will be trapped and relocated.

“This new source population of grey wolves will provide additional genetic diversity to Colorado’s wolf population,
The state says the B.C. wolves will come from areas where no livestock is present, “so there are no concerns about reintroducing wolves that are from packs that are involved in situations of repeated livestock depredations.”

Hahah!! Yeah right! I am not a wolf hater, I have shot some and also took photos of them. They have a place in the ecosystem, but they need control and introducing them and then protecting them so they are not controlled is asking for trouble!

I wonder how long it takes a wolf to switch from a moose/caribou diet to a deer/elk/moose and cow diet?

Good luck Colorado!


We know how bad the policies are. I guess what I was saying is that under federal law the wolves can’t be imported into the country. I know there was some back door shadiness to work this deal. However, to do that don’t the federal protections have to be lifted?
yeh, great..

I read this today from the aspen daily news. it's really long and has some bias BUT it's fairly reported and talks mostly about what it means when they go to BC and separate a bunch of random wolves from their extablished pack(s). Doesn't change my mind at all, but does have some real science and was worth the read...

We know how bad the policies are. I guess what I was saying is that under federal law the wolves can’t be imported into the country. I know there was some back door shadiness to work this deal. However, to do that don’t the federal protections have to be lifted?

CO wolves are a 10j experimental population.
News release from the Colorado Parks and Wolves

Maybe in 10 years when we have no elk and deer left in CO we can return the favor and send a few back to BC……
It’s a train wreck. This ballot issue only passed by a few thousand votes too.
We are trying to get another ballot issue going to stop it. The damage is done but we really don’t need anymore. One wolf is already in Park county, we are rooting for it to make it further East.
Injecting 21 wolves into two counties where there is an waning elk population and ongoing elk calf recruitment study is absolutely ASININE! The Roaring Fork and surounding areas already have one of the highest black bear populations and now the highest wolf population... Great!