Colorado Back Door

Has anyone received an either sex code? Or bull code? I wonder if antlerless mean either. My father applied in a party with me for only either sex muzzle 77 and his says 588 non res antlerless elk. To my knowledge he did not apply for any other choices.

Antlerless is a cow on CO tags; they never say cow because they can't expect you to know the sex if it doesn't have horns. If I had to guess, it would be that you got your 3rd choice. It would be interesting if your father got a cow tag if he didn't apply for one, which I doubt would be the case; coulda checked a cow archery tag instead of a refund too at the end too.

Interesting, my 3rd choice was either sex muzzle in 77.

1st - cow muzzle 80/81
2nd - bull muzzle 80/81
3rd - either sex muzzle 77/78/771
4th - bull muzzle 77/78/771

Interesting order here; I don't see any way in which you would ever get your 2nd choice at least with my understanding in the way the draw is run here in CO. You should probably put your bull as the first choice, however in doing so it will lessen your chances of a cow, so if there aren't leftovers in 80/81 I would worry about not drawing. The way I understand it they will process everyone using a PP by the number of PP first; followed by everyone's first choice. After that everyone's second choice, then 3rd, then 4th. So from my understanding it will be practically pointless to apply for E/S or bull after round 2 and it is highly unlikely in round 2. There are only a few species, such as sheep and goats, that are not done this way and are a weighted lottery (once you have 3 PP).
Seen a couple of discussions over at bowsite (older discussions) where folks state that a 581 is either sex or bull and 588 is antlerless (non res). I too cant wait till Friday...
Non Resident with the following choices:
Received a 588 Non Res Anterless code.
Clearly we did not receive the 2nd choice. I'm fine with either muzzy tags.
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Resident with the following choices:
EE002E1R (no way that's happening since I only have 2 points)

My "licenses on file" page shows:

I'm curious as to why mine doesn't say "ANTLERLESS" since I obviously drew the second one.
Interesting order here; I don't see any way in which you would ever get your 2nd choice at least with my understanding in the way the draw is run here in CO. You should probably put your bull as the first choice, however in doing so it will lessen your chances of a cow, so if there aren't leftovers in 80/81 I would worry about not drawing. The way I understand it they will process everyone using a PP by the number of PP first; followed by everyone's first choice. After that everyone's second choice, then 3rd, then 4th. So from my understanding it will be practically pointless to apply for E/S or bull after round 2 and it is highly unlikely in round 2. There are only a few species, such as sheep and goats, that are not done this way and are a weighted lottery (once you have 3 PP).

I imagine you're correct. I was pressed for time during application season, and my thinking for this year was - meat in the freezer, don't care as much about antlers obviously, but I wanted 80/81 over 77. So, that's what I came up with. But it's good to know how it works for sure.
Resident with the following choices:
EE002E1R (no way that's happening since I only have 2 points)

My "licenses on file" page shows:

I'm curious as to why mine doesn't say "ANTLERLESS" since I obviously drew the second one.

I don't even bother applying for the out of reach units and just do a pref point. Not that I'm even close to there yet, but the last thing I would want is to be surprised and not be able to go.

I think I figured out the 588 mystery; non-res bull and cow are different prices, so if you got a cow and applied for both you are due a refund. If you only applied for cow then you aren't due a refund and may show up as either 580 or 581. So I would guess that if you're a non-res, applied for E/S or bull and have a 580 or 581 there's a good chance that you drew E/S or bull. Hopefully there is a method to their madness, or maybe they just do it to drive us crazy. It's really annoying that they haven't posted the results yet as they came out on the 22nd last year.

An 'antlerless' (cow) tag in Colorado means any elk with no antlers or antlers less than 5 inches.
Cow, bull, calf

A 580 code is prob a Resident tag and 581 is Non Res tag. [thats how it is with deer]
The CPW will post results Friday the 29th
A 580 code is prob a Resident tag and 581 is Non Res tag. [thats how it is with deer]
The CPW will post results Friday the 29th

Jarrod Renaud already said he got 581 as a res, so don't think that's it. However, to your point I don't think any non-res has posted that they have a 580 and most residents have posted 580, so maybe it has something to do with habitat stamps or related to something else in your CPW profile.

As far as the draw goes, they say May 30 every year but usually post early.
I think I figured out the 588 mystery; non-res bull and cow are different prices, so if you got a cow and applied for both you are due a refund. If you only applied for cow then you aren't due a refund and may show up as either 580 or 581. So I would guess that if you're a non-res, applied for E/S or bull and have a 580 or 581 there's a good chance that you drew E/S or bull. Hopefully there is a method to their madness, or maybe they just do it to drive us crazy. It's really annoying that they haven't posted the results yet as they came out on the 22nd last year.

Ah, I think you're on to something. This would hold with my buddies' results as well as my own.
I received a 588 Non res antlerless and they billed me for a bull tag at application. That could explain the 588 code as a refund. We are getting closer to cracking their system. They'll probably change it next year just to mess with us. LOL
I got a feeling something got screwed up for us. I applied for 4 choices which only one was a antlerless my 3rd choice. I applied in a party with my dad. He only applied for 1st choice the same as me elk either 77 muzzle. When he applied he put the code for a cow tag not either for some reason so i had him call CO and change it to either. They took his $ and said all good. So either the change did not go through properly or since we applied as a party with me as leader would all my choices go in his name as well? So i drew my third choice but one draw all draw so he automatically got my 3rd.
I got a feeling something got screwed up for us. I applied for 4 choices which only one was a antlerless my 3rd choice. I applied in a party with my dad. He only applied for 1st choice the same as me elk either 77 muzzle. When he applied he put the code for a cow tag not either for some reason so i had him call CO and change it to either. They took his $ and said all good. So either the change did not go through properly or since we applied as a party with me as leader would all my choices go in his name as well? So i drew my third choice but one draw all draw so he automatically got my 3rd.

If you were the leader and his choices didn't match yours then as the leader your choices were used for both of you. At least that's how I understand it.