Colorado archery / MZ overlap

I ALWAYS carry a cheap wal-mart orange vest and generally keep it on the outside of my pack. I'm thinking an orange hat might be smart. Orange camo isn't allowed for those required to wear orange (gun hunters) but for archery hunters who just want to be visible it shouldn't be a problem.
I've overlapped a portion of MZ season for 8 straight years and have yet to see a MZ hunter nor hear a single I sure have not given it any thought. Twice I have ran into someone in orange vest and they were hunting the early cow rifle season...both times being very close to the road though.
If it appears crowded and I'm seeing others wearing orange because they are toting gun, I'd have no problem putting something orange on my pack or a hat...just haven't felt that need. In CO it seems like majority of gun hunters just drive the roads:)
Never worn orange during ML season while archery hunting - I think I may have some orange surveys tape in my pack somewhere

But I have seen ML hunters take off their orange while hunting
ML/Archery overlap is really area dependent. I can't stand it and last year was yet another dose of reality for me. As far as orange, I said I'd wear it after a close call years ago, but that wasn't the case last year.
I hate wearing orange while rifle hunting, so no I do not wear orange ever if I am not legally required. I guess I just feel like one of those goobers walking around town with an orange jumpsuit on. Do I think there is a safety issue? No, heck in states like Idaho you're not required to wear orange during the rifle season and I never hear of any hunting accidents happening at least not often. If i'm packing out a big rack I will sometimes put some ribbon on it if I have some, and always put orange on them if i'm packing them on horses, heck for that matter I put orange ribbon on all my horses when we are out in the field with them. I am more worried about them than I am myself.

Do people get shot by other hunters mistaking them for animals? yeah perhaps. But hardly ever, I'm sure there are many scares where a guy hears something walking through the brush and gets ready assuming it is going to be an elk/deer but then notice its a person "oh sh** almost shot you!" but I don't think most people are actually going to pull the trigger.

As for the bear hunting, if someone is bear hunting where I'm elk hunting they don't know diddly about where the bears are at haha.
Always something orange for the pack should I have horns.

This year in Colorado will be the first time we archery during ML. Decided to get the kifaru grab it in orange. I really don't think it will hurt anything but I will be visible on the move.

It will be handy for deer hunting here in the Midwest for my lack too.
I have personally worn orange and not. In all archery units where no other forms of hunting are allowed, I don't bother but in high hunter population units I wear an orange beanie. The truth of the matter is your camo is of little use to you if you wash your clothing in any form of laundry detergent that is not specifically for camo clothing so it dosent hurt to add orange to your outfit. The florescent's in the detergent stand out like sore thumbs to animals so orange wont hurt you anyway.

I use this stuff to wash. No UV brighteners and cheaper than the camo specific stuff.

Natural Laundry Detergent: Hypoallergenic | Seventh Generation

And a little white vinegar instead of fabric softener.
Nope. I don't fear buying the farm, At this point if I go I go. No f!@ks if I'm 6ft under rotting. I got life insurance, the fam will be ok.

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Grab-It II – Kifaru Intl. Online Store

I made (yeah, I sewed it up) a piece of Blaze orange silnylon with UL bungie cordage a few years ago just as a pack cover to be used when hauling meat. This Grab it would be much more useful and I am sure it's sewn up nicer.

I will find my little creation and get a pic. It weighs an once or two I think.
A few years ago my buddy and I were hiking up the bottom of a draw mid afternoon. All of a sudden I smell this stank coming from somewhere. Smelled like there was a dead rotting animal somewhere. So I tell my buddy to start looking around for something dead. I must have looked like a pointer moving around that draw with my nose sniffing around every bush and tree. The whole time I'm saying stuff like "man this stinks" and "I think I'm getting closer to the stank". As I'm covering this area my nose keeps bringing me back to a stand of thick bushes and stuff in the bottom of the draw. So I'm sniffing around the edge of it and poking my head in and out looking for a dead animal when I stick my head into one spot sniffing, and there's this guy decked out in orange sitting right in the middle of this thick brushy area. He's just sitting there still as can be. As soon as I saw him I said "what the heck". And he just sits there, completely still, and doesn't say a word. We're like 5 feet from each other staring at each other, and he never even acknowledged I was there.

I have no idea what he was wearing, but my goodness he stank. Maybe he had a bear tag and he was the bait......don't know. But odd that he never even acknowledged us the entire time we were there looking.

I never wore orange during the overlap when I was in CO, but I didn't wear a coyote brown pack on my back either. I never understood the logic of wearing an elk colored pack, especially during a gun season.

Someone used the term "most people" above. It's not most people that concerns me, but instead that one guy that has no business packing a gun or bow. Gun hunters absolutely do not have a monopoly on folks that shouldn't be given a license, they just pack a weapon that can be used lethally at a much greater distance.
Do any of you guys wear orange while bow hunting during the muzzle loader season? Or have orange on your pack? Just curious. I have a coyote brown Kifaru AMR pack and that is a big tan spot in the woods :)
I would wear some orange on my head and for sure have some, on THAT, colored Pack !
Elk and Deer are color blind and BAD scent scares them MOST of all and movement, is next in line,..not color!
During the Rifle season, I've had an entire herd ( 20-25 animals ) of Elk split and go around me at 20 FEET when I was wearing full Blaze orange.They just walked on by, unfortunately the Bulls were behind me with, some brush between us and the Cows were "looking" at me, but they were NOT startled because, I did NOT, move! Unfortunately, there are "some", stupid Hunters, in the Woods so,.. I'd not, take the chance !
Also, there are a few, 10-12 year old Kids with very little experience, out Hunting!
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Yeah I never gave the pack color a second thought 3 years ago when buying it. Looking back I probably should have gotten a different color. I'll have some sort of orange on that pack.