A few years ago my buddy and I were hiking up the bottom of a draw mid afternoon. All of a sudden I smell this stank coming from somewhere. Smelled like there was a dead rotting animal somewhere. So I tell my buddy to start looking around for something dead. I must have looked like a pointer moving around that draw with my nose sniffing around every bush and tree. The whole time I'm saying stuff like "man this stinks" and "I think I'm getting closer to the stank". As I'm covering this area my nose keeps bringing me back to a stand of thick bushes and stuff in the bottom of the draw. So I'm sniffing around the edge of it and poking my head in and out looking for a dead animal when I stick my head into one spot sniffing, and there's this guy decked out in orange sitting right in the middle of this thick brushy area. He's just sitting there still as can be. As soon as I saw him I said "what the heck". And he just sits there, completely still, and doesn't say a word. We're like 5 feet from each other staring at each other, and he never even acknowledged I was there.
I have no idea what he was wearing, but my goodness he stank. Maybe he had a bear tag and he was the bait......don't know. But odd that he never even acknowledged us the entire time we were there looking.