Colorado 2020-2026 Regulations

Jul 21, 2019
So, there doesn't seem to be a link to it, but the above regs were not the ones that actually passed. Here is a synopsis of what I understand to be the final regs that were passed:

Archery: Sept 2-30 every year

Muzzy: No change

First rifle: No change (5 day season, elk only)

Second rifle. 10 day break after 1st rifle, starts on a Saturday and is for 9 days

3rd rifle: 6 day break, starts on a Saturday and runs for 7 days (ends on a Friday!)

4th rifle: 5 day break, starts on a Wednesday.

In my opinion, this is very bad news for big bucks in the future. The 3rd season is now the week the 4th used to be and the 4th is a week later into the rut (one of the years you can still hunt till Nov 28th!)

Next couple of years, some real whopper bucks will be killed due to later dates, but after that, we can look at mediocre deer unless they drastically reduce tag numbers, and they won't do that.

As far as its effects on elk, that remains to be seen. Will the 10 day break between 1st and second seasons mean higher harvest rates on elk in the second season? Will the later 3rd season mean more OTC hunts during a "migration" and therefore a bigger harvest? Again, if that happens, it will be great for a few years, followed by lower elk numbers and harvest, or going to completely drawing for elk.


Apr 1, 2014
2nd rifle was changed back to being 9 days and including 2 full weekends, no complaints from me. Original proposal was 7 days and start in the middle of the week, it wasn't my preferred option but I could live with it.
Mar 5, 2012
SW Colorado
good bye big bucks. I bet a lot of tags get turned in this year and points restored for guys eyeing those dates for 2021. That will be a slaughter