With the boom in archery, shouldn’t we have more influence?
I no longer contribute to the CBA becuase I don’t think they do a good job of representing my interests, but I may have to re-evaluate.
Since you mentioned it…They tie tag prices to inflation, so hopefully we see a big increase in cost without any other practical changes taking place.
Whether we wear orange or not has no effect on the "resource". Leave that decision up to us.I say all this somewhat in jest as both a bow & rifle hunter, but some of y'all need to look outside of the 'what's best for me?' point of view and start looking at the resource as a whole.
Whether we wear orange or not has no effect on the "resource". Leave that decision up to us.
Archery still isn’t the orange army and is of little effect on actual management of wildlife, hence the long season, this starts to become more effective there will be a reduction in season length etc.With the boom in archery, shouldn’t we have more influence?
I no longer contribute to the CBA becuase I don’t think they do a good job of representing my interests, but I may have to re-evaluate.
Or leaving it as is, and allowing everyone to make their own decisions on it. It seems these days that everything is going away from personal accountability and making our own decisions. Sheesh.......they don't even want people driving their own cars, they want self driving cars. Just leave us alone.It’ll be interesting to see what happens but many don’t want to be forced to wear orange/pink so the other option is losing days in the season or shifting them even earlier.
Ya but we already have laws against negligent homicide that are specifically related to those that are the perpetrators of that negligence. We don't need new ones that now place the responsibility on the 99.9999% to help ensure that the .0001% don't make mistakes. That's the problem. We already have laws.......enforce them, keep those perpetrators accountable, and we press on. So now they want to add a new one that mandates what I have to do to make sure my safety and health is enhanced. That's ridiculous and idiotic.I get it, laws are made for idiots and not for 99.9% of the population, but still bugs me.
If the unit i hunted the last 2 years offered bear tags OTC with the elk tag i'd have two new bear skin rugs, ive had 3 encounters in the last 2 years at 30 yards or less with big black bears. They dont offer OTC bear tags for that unit, go figure, thats the way it goes haha. I should correct that: they offer them OTC with an elk tag for rifle seasons, but not for archery? I couldnt figure it out but seems to be the way of it after researching (i wanted to take one this year but... i didnt put in the for the draw because i figured it would be OTC with an elk tag.... dumb on my part)Maybe Im not following the bear hunting forum enough, but it seems like over the years CPW just keeps adding massive amount of bear tags to deal with a large population. Like the add-ons during rifle season, but have yet to hear of anyone (in person) kill a bear during elk season. Seems like an inept way to try and compensate for CO bunnyhugger laws on no bait/dogs. But I really dont know much about it, interested in what those in the know think.
It says "CPW Preferred alternative..." historically that means they have their mind made up.I will be very, very surprised if archery hunters have to start wearing orange. Splitting the seasons seems like the option that makes the most sense if any change at all takes place?
Archery first 3 weeks of September, then ML the last week of September. Or close archery during the ML season.
CBA will throw a fit if anything changes the current archery opportunities. And the CSMLA is pretty much worthless when it comes to promoting ML to the CPW.