
I had one last year and it was clean, so the 10 year plan. But 10 years puts me at 69, and since they stop doing them at 75 I think........I might be done with them for good.
Just took the wife in for her first one, for most the day before is the hard part, and the day of is quick and a helluva nap...and if they find something it's much better to find it early.

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Well said. This has been my experience exactly.

I too do it because “if they find something it's much better to find it early.”
Colo-rectal cancer killed my brother at age 39. Another friend of mine went in for kidney stone treatment and they found colo-rectal cancer (he was about 40 at the time and is now cancer-free after treatment). You can beat it if they catch it early. With the updated guidelines that recommend the first screening at a younger age, many clinics are backlogged and you may have to wait 6 months or more for an appointment, so book early. The procedure is more of an inconvenience than anything else. There's really no downside to getting it done, but could be fatal if you don't.
I had one last year and it was clean, so the 10 year plan. But 10 years puts me at 69, and since they stop doing them at 75 I think........I might be done with them for good.
I’ll follow up with my plan. I did my first at the recommended 50, clean. That put me on the 10 year plan. 2nd was not so clean. 5, 8-10mm polyps with 4 aggressive pre-cancerous. Several were leakers causing some anemia which explained some of my fatigue issues. The clean out got rid of the anemia so it confirmed the leakers causing the anemia issues. I’m now on the 3 year plan. See your doc and don’t skip your prostate, colon and whatever else they tell you to check :)

You young guys get your prostate checks early. Early prostate cancer is more aggressive than later onset and is becoming way more common. I lost a friend because he waited till 50 to check.
For all of those who have had it done. We're you put to sleep or sedated?

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The prep is way worse than the procedure. All I tell people is "say hello to your little friend". Your little friend being the toilet.
My first prep was a ridiculous mix of stuff and was a huge pain. The gal I talked to scheduling my second gave me three options. I asked what they preferred and what others preferred and what worked the best in her/their opinion. She said she’d do the concentrated, two dose liquid. That wasn’t bad at all except for the toilet thing 🤪
For all of those who have had it done. We're you put to sleep or sedated?
Put to sleep both times. Propofol. The second was a light dose where the doc wanted me to wake up after about 10 minutes. If I was uncomfortable he said he’d put me back out. I chose to stay awake and watch the procedure on the large screen. That was great because we could talk about and I could see what the deal was.
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For all of those who have had it done. We're you put to sleep or sedated?

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I've always been put to sleep and really wouldn't like the idea of being sedated. This last round also included an endoscopy (where they run a camera down your throat to look at the stomach lining) and I really wouldn't want to be awake for that.
I had my first when I was seven and my second when I was nine. I got to go without until I started having minor issues again in college. I had one then and was diagnosed with non specific colitis. Fast forward to 2014 when I had an intestinal blockage and was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I had another then, one 5 years after, then one 3 years after, and I'm due for another this spring.

All in all, the procedure itself is a walk in the park. I always look forward to a good hearty meal afterward. As far as the prep goes, it's no fun. Be sure to stock up on baby wipes and Vaseline.
Propofol for the win. Like a freaking light switch. One minute you're there the next you're waking up like nothing happened. Cept maybe a squishy butt lol!!
The prep is way worse than the procedure. All I tell people is "say hello to your little friend". Your little friend being the toilet.

We refer to it as the "night of a thousand waterfalls" I had my first at 50, am due for another one this year.

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I remember my first one. The anesthesiologist wakes me up and I am pissed! Best sleep I had had in years, maybe decades.......and they're waking me up. He says "That's a nice little cocktail isn't it?" Then I roll over and realize I've got vaseline all over my rectum. I tell the anesthesiologist "did someone at least buy me dinner".
Per my last procedure, it is all about time of day (for appt)

Appt was mid afternoon. I had the 2 dose regimen. So My first dose was 6-7 PM or so. 2nd dose was next morning. So I got to sleep after 1st porcelain "cleansing" session. Made prep experience far less "stressful".
The prep wasn't that bad for me. Nowhere near as bad as some of my patients over the years I was a floor nurse made it out to be.

Holy cats! Ice and Gatorade and "It tastes bad!". I honestly thought it was the worst stuff imaginable. Then I met Florence. Or Delores. Maybe. OK, I don't remember her name, but I do remember she was 98, weighed about 100#, asked for the jug and a cup, and had it gone in under an hour. That lady was a beast.

I did it the same way. Piece of cake.
Colorectal surgery has come a long ways, but you have to know it's there.

I'm in the room for several a week and the ones they catch early seem to do well.