Cocaine and a Dead Bear - The Dog Park, a Meme, and an Article


Jun 12, 2020
So I'm at the Dog Park the other day, and in conversation this young lady mentions there was a bear that had died of cocaine overdose.

Immediately in my comedic mind, I thought of this one Meme, and just assumed somebody had perhaps made up a fake news story to suggest that's how the meme came about. And left it at that.

Son of a B if when I get home, I do some Google-Fu and find the following NYTimes article!

NOTE: link on this same subject.
Interesting story how this all came about, isn't it?

I heard about this story a few weeks ago and found the backstory and it has the makings of a great movie.

The part of our conversation that got us to this topic was that at this Dog Park, which border the Los Alamitos training base, and the Naval Golf Course... there's a pond which always has Waterfowl coming to it. So the "Duckeees!" were coming in, and I mentioned how one time the pool guy pointed to my roof and there was a Coot up there dead. So... I went up there to get him down. I noted he didn't have any ants on him, and that there were no visible puncture marks or any wounds I could see. So in the conversation with this young lady, I mentioned how I guess he must have just perhaps died while in-flight of a heart-attack or something.

And then I mentioned how I'd seen some footage on Youtube where a Brown Bear succumb to a heart-attack and die in the wild.

And that caused her to mention the Cocaine and the Dead Bear story.
Jesus! That’s a nightmare scenario! Running into a coked out bear that can walk thru bullets and bear spray and run 80miles/hour. “Say hello to my little friend!”

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More likely it calls you bro a whole bunch, offers your girlfriend a bump, and tells you about the wildly successful business he's getting off the ground.
Can you imagine how Damn fast he probably ran up some trees while flyin' like that?

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a littered trail of dead prey bodies made during the first hour of it coming-on!
I didn't know what to expect when I opened this thread, but I am glad I did. Once I saw those pictures I was dying laughing at my desk, people probably thought I was having some kind of episode.
That's just wild!

I know bears will take a bite out of anything. A black bear was sampling everything on my front porch and bit into a bottle of roundup. That had to be unpleasant.

A couple of days later you could see everywhere that bear had gone by the dead grass he killed from the roundup on his paws.