CO Big Game Harvest Survey


May 7, 2012
Just curious of anyone's thoughts on this survey...I got the email to complete and jumped online today to do so. Basically it asked what unit I hunted and if I thought it was crowded...never asking about number of animals spotted or thoughts on population, etc...or what I thought about the hunting. I found that lacking as a survey...and sure looks like they are only worried if hunters feel crowded vs. if they are actually seeing any animals...hope that is not their logic for setting tag limits (or more so for keeping so many units Unlimited OTC on top of early rifle cow seasons).

Just seems like a co-relation to more and more hunt recaps saying they spotted Zero elk during their elk trip to CO.

I took the survey a couple days ago and it seemed pretty inline with what I've taken in other states recently.
I agree most ask day afield, number of animals seen, and if a animal was harvested. They should have data for unit population already though. I also appreciate they are collecting data on crowds which is hunting's biggest turnoff to hunters

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Just curious of anyone's thoughts on this survey...I got the email to complete and jumped online today to do so. Basically it asked what unit I hunted and if I thought it was crowded...never asking about number of animals spotted or thoughts on population, etc...or what I thought about the hunting. I found that lacking as a survey...and sure looks like they are only worried if hunters feel crowded vs. if they are actually seeing any animals...hope that is not their logic for setting tag limits (or more so for keeping so many units Unlimited OTC on top of early rifle cow seasons).

Just seems like a co-relation to more and more hunt recaps saying they spotted Zero elk during their elk trip to CO.


I personally don't think they need to ask about game seen... they do extensive studies on population and already know how many animals are in a given unit. A hunter seeing or not seeing game does not tell them anything about the unit. That is a meaningless piece of info for them. There could have been elk in the next valley or the guy got to his spot at 7:30 and the elk had passed through a 7. He could have scouted well and knew where to be or just picked a random spot.

People complain "I didn't see any animals" like it means there are no animals in the unit and they no longer exist. All it means is you didn't see any animals which can be for a variety of reasons
I agree that asking about animals seen doesn't really offer them any useful information. They have data for populations and carrying capacity. Also, some hunters just don't put in the effort and won't see many animals.
I personally don't think they need to ask about game seen... they do extensive studies on population and already know how many animals are in a given unit. A hunter seeing or not seeing game does not tell them anything about the unit. That is a meaningless piece of info for them. There could have been elk in the next valley or the guy got to his spot at 7:30 and the elk had passed through a 7. He could have scouted well and knew where to be or just picked a random spot.

People complain "I didn't see any animals" like it means there are no animals in the unit and they no longer exist. All it means is you didn't see any animals which can be for a variety of reasons

This is spot on.
Last year I took a buddy out blacktail hunting. I was on a ridge before sun up, he chose to sleep in a bit, I saw 7 deer and where they ended up bedding, he came along about an hour after they bedded and sat and glassed and couldn't find one of them. They were there, I knew they were there, he just couldn't see them. Who knows how many times I've glassed an area and just couldn't see the animal and proclaimed "no deer in there".

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The CPW does their herd counts in late winter by flying over the animals when they are concentrated for the winter.

Granted, the survey helps in its own way, but its not the only data supplied as there is a much bigger picture than what they receive from hunters surverys
This is spot on.
Last year I took a buddy out blacktail hunting. I was on a ridge before sun up, he chose to sleep in a bit, I saw 7 deer and where they ended up bedding, he came along about an hour after they bedded and sat and glassed and couldn't find one of them. They were there, I knew they were there, he just couldn't see them. Who knows how many times I've glassed an area and just couldn't see the animal and proclaimed "no deer in there".

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Great example. My group filled 3 of our 4 rifle antelope tags opening weekend this year. As the gas station in town, we bumped into some other hunters who "didn't see a thing" and moaned about their being no antelope.

There is a hard work piece to finding animals and there is also a luck piece to finding animals. The survey is more about satisfaction and hunter perceptions than number of animals
Good responses guys.
I agree as I saw they most elk in my group this year, and many others did not see or hear anything.
I guess I'm just don't like the survey in general as it basically asking did you kill and what unit...then they use that data to "project" the harvest. I'd much rather see everyone required to report in after season (very easy these days with online access), or some form of mandatory phone/online check in for kills...all in all I'd just prefer to have a better "harvest figure" but I also understand no method is perfect and a % will cheat the system regardless for their own benefit.

My hopes are states still manage for the best herd population for the land and not manage for tag sales/revenue...unfortunately not always the case...
What do they say "10% of the hunters kill 90% of the elk". I found that to be so true last week. Those I met deep in the national forest, working hard, staying multiple days had multiple opportunities. Those I met near the roads, at the gas stations..."There are no elk in this unit, why do you think the success rate is only 12%...? Consider yourself lucky if you see one..."View attachment 42285
I took the survey. It asks the basic questions. I agree that seeing elk is not a good question as most have stated. I found elk cause i kept moving and hunted my butt off which most guys dont do. Had plenty of guys waiting at my truck some days asking about elk but never left the vehicle to go find them. However, i know the unit i was hunting in the aerial surveys haven't been done in 5 years and the biologist has no clue about the herd health. Says the same line every year, to a tee.... I am tired of the lies about herd size to sell tags to out of staters... The herd health here in colorado is no where near what they claim. Hence why every year there are more and more leftover tags, other states too. Its a game of finance not game management.

Sorry for my rant.
I don't know if they should ask if you seen any elk or not but it should be mandatory that everyone fills out the survey so that they get an accurate number of elk that are harvested in a unit and how many hunters are hunting in an OTC unit. Real easy, in order to purchase a license the next year you have to fill out the 5 question survey.
During my last week working for the forest service this season I was on a ditch witch digging drains on an ATV trail and had hunters on quads ask me every day if I had seen elk. It was pretty hard not to be a smart ass. The same hunters, on the same quads, on the same trail. Everyday day for a week. They were all the same, telling me there's no elk in this area. I would mention walking and they would immediately disagree and say they'd only get off and walk if there were animals in this area.
Do they contact every license holder for the survey, or is it just random? I didn't get one last year, or this year (yet). Hunted OTC 2nd rifle Elk both years.

Random. I think everyone who buys a tag should have to take a survey. Its so easy for them to do online now, they should just do it