CO archery elk


Jan 6, 2025
(I shall open this up by saying I’m not asking for - or at least I don’t think I am - any super specific info…I know better)

So here’s the deal. Lifelong bow hunter and I’ve chased elk twice (2021 and 2023). Both times I was in 521 with a friend who lives in Denver. This year I again can hunt but my buddy can’t. I have no points so I’m limited to a 0 pt draw which plenty of units likely offer according to draw odds. So…I have three options I’d love thoughts on. 1). Go to 521 solo but it’s a dangerous place when solo that far back. We’ve been 7-8 miles in, with zero human way possible to haul out an elk by yourself without calling in a horse. 2). I solo a different unit where I can truck hunt and cast in a few miles here and there and maybe spend the night off the beaten path where at least I could haul something out should I connect. I’m in super good shape for a 51 yr old flat lander and have had zero issues in the past hauling my pack lots of miles back at 8500-9000 ft for a weeks stay at the Rocky Mountain Hilton. 3). Cancel the whole thing, sell my bow…no…give it away…and take up knitting. So. I don’t want super specific info….but I’m curious if anyone has opinions if any of the 0 pt draw units are a bit safer than others for a solo hunt and therefore how to make option 2 above the best choice. Or..maybe there’s another human out there on my shoes and we could join forces. I know it’s a zoo and I’ll see other people. Part of life. Or…maybe any drop camp outfitters someone would recommend. I don’t mind paying a lil extra to be safe. I just need to be outside and out of my classroom for a spell and going through hell chasing creatures on foot seems like a fine way to spend my time.

Thanks for any ideas or thoughts someone can give me…I plan to head out at least a week or two early to do some wandering if I head someplace new. Summers off does have it’s perks.
Have you been killing elk with your buddy in that area?

Knowing an area is your best asset. If you can get an outfitter with horses to help you, that would seem like an asset. I think @BigAntlerGetter hunts around there?

You might have a better adventure going somewhere new and winging it on your own. There's plenty of elk in every unit.
I'm not really sure what "safer" means in your context. I've had 3 mini-strokes (TIA's), but still regularly get myself solo 5-8 miles "back" into wilderness areas. But I have an Inreach going just to be safe, and my strokes were "cryptogenic" - I'm not overweight, have none of the other risk factors, and tested negative on like 30 tests they ran on me. Just one of those things... So I don't let it stop me.

I think any reasonably fit adult human can pack out a typical elk given enough time and determination - from anywhere - "safely." You just have to accept that it's going to be a grueling process. 2 trips a day over a few days and you're sore as heck but the meat's in the cooler. On the other hand, if you're struggling with severe arthritis, any kind of heart/lung condition, etc then I can see why even a few miles from "civilization" could be hazardous. I think we all need to know more about how you define "safe" to answer better...

You could just rent a horse...
OTC units will be draw units for NonRes now, a lot of them will be a 0 PP draw, adding to the other 0 PP draws
Not sure I have much info except to tell you YES - go solo if you have to. Last year I was in a similar situation and went solo for the first time...ended up killing my best bull to date...enjoyed every second of the 4 round trips packing out meat and antlers. Shot a little over 1.5 miles from road...plenty of good hunting to be had under 2 miles from road. Camp doesn't get much simpler than sleeping in your car and being 100% mobile:)

Good Luck!


If you're solo kill an elk as close to the truck as you can. If you've got the coin, hire an outfitter and it solves all your problems.
I think any reasonably fit adult human can pack out a typical elk given enough time and determination - from anywhere - "safely." You just have to accept that it's going to be a grueling process. 2 trips a day over a few days and you're sore as heck but the meat's in the cooler.

Not trying to argue, but i whole heartedly disagree. Not only is this not great advice in general, the OP expressed concern about him being able to get it done. This advice is a recipe for the potential for wanton waste and meat spoilage if the temps are warm and he's 7-8 miles back, as he said. If conditions aren't right even the greatest conditioned athlete will have spoilage problems that far out, simply because of the time needed to haul meat that far. If the conditions are right, I agree it can certainly be done solo. But he's talking archery, when the temps can be warm.

If you want adventure and exploring new country, go somewhere new. If you like where you were at before, find an outfitter to haul you in and/or pack meat out. Good luck.
Doing a drop camp is always an option. They are not too expensive.

And I greatly prefer solo, hunting from the truck. Maybe go in just a few miles. Those trips have been my most successful and memorable.

Having other people around when hunting is a distraction. Good for company back in camp, but less noise, smell and movement.

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Definitely go. I concur that knowing an area leads to better success, but Ive hunted the same unit 3x and still only have 1 animal (deer) to show for it so what do I know. I know that on our last elk hunt I was able to get up there a week before my brother and I had a blast solo hunting. I hunted different areas than we normally do and used it to scout. Ended up getting lucky and got on a good herd that we stayed on the entire next week, unsuccessfully of course but we did both have really close calls multiple times. I guess all that said, just buy an inreach and go. Better than sitting at home eating potato chips and watching football.
If your safety concern is only for packing out you can probably line up a pack out service or some good ol' boys to help for a fee. That way you can hunt what you know and are familiar with. Obviously you'll want to line it up in advance but I'm sure that option exists out there.