Close quarters bear gun?

Jan 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
What are you guys using for a guide/brush gun setup for bear, excluding any pistols? Like if a guy was running hounds and a bear was on the ground and things were getting Western real fast what would you want against your shoulder?

I'm exploring 12ga vs 45-70 but very open to other suggestions.

Thanks and God bless

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For hounds its hard to beat a 30/30. Its lighter and handier than a 45/70, less expensive to shoot and less recoil. If you do your job it will do its. A bad shot with a 45/70 or 30/30 is still a bad shot. A bear on the ground is always a little western and its your job to make a good shot. If you do get a 45/70 don't get one that is ported as the discharge and noise is going to go right back against the dogs.
I second the go for a non ported gun I've shot one ported 450marlin and wholly crap you and everyone with in 30 yards best be wearing ear plugs...down right terrible to say the least
Avoid buckshot if you are running dogs, and for big game hunting in general.
Are you dealing with black bear only or possibly grizzly as well?
For black bear 44mag/30 30 is great
If any chance of Big bear, 45/70 450 marlin

Definitely avoid ports/ brakes. They can do serious damage to any ears nearby
I'd use my ported guide gun in 45-70 with fiber optic sights.

Just stand back a bit when I touch it off.;)
Marlin 1895gs 45-70 with 430grain hard castView attachment 122798

I have a early, first year Marlin Guide gun, ported barrel, and yes it is loud. I have an extended pitcnanny rail from XS sight systems.

That is topped with one of the Leupold scout scopes, fixed 2.5 power . I guess some of the compact red dot types might be quicker, but I can shoot with this one with both eyes open and see things at very close range. The thing I like is that the scope is so far forward that I do not worry about my forehead connecting with it in recoil. It also has a ghost ring rear sight so if scope is damaged I am still good to go. It mounts with the standard factory scope mounting holes on top of receiver and a threaded dovetail insert replaces the standard rear sight so the mount is secured front and back.
I'll be doing this exact thing myself in a couple of weeks, here in the mountains of east TN.
My choice is my tiny little, cutdown marlin 336 in .44 mag. Loaded with 310gn hard cast over a healthy dose of Win 296.

It's half the weight of my old 1895 & at hound hunting ranges, just as effective.IMG_20130725_142201_923_zps593473ff.jpg
M2 18" and butt short enough to not snag, shooting slugs - in a tactical situation there's not anything much faster if any faster
Avoid buckshot if you are running dogs, and for big game hunting in general.
Are you dealing with black bear only or possibly grizzly as well?
For black bear 44mag/30 30 is great
If any chance of Big bear, 45/70 450 marlin

Definitely avoid ports/ brakes. They can do serious damage to any ears nearby
Second this. I worked for a hunting outfitter in the West a few years packing elk and we always carried 870 with Brenneke Black Magic or even the Green Lightening rounds or a 45/70 with 430+ grain hard cast lead. A nice aftermarket recoil pad is a bonus.
My first two DLP shootings occurred when I was six and seven years old. Distance less then 10 feet. Dad was doing the shooting, old school Alaska; 12ga 00buck to the face followed by slugs on the grizzly that came in the tent; #6; full choke to the face; one smooth move dropped the shotgun spun the 06, up kept hammering the bear.
Dad survived Chosin reservoir, tougher than woodpecker lips. Taught us you need to attack if attacked.
In any event in 20 years of guiding bear infested Bristol bay I’ve carried shotguns, lever guns, heavy bolt guns and even my double 577. My two favorites are a 450 bushmaster (AR) or my Marlin guide gun in .45/70. Portability and shoot ability.
I also like heavy pistols carried mostly a 454.
Like the 45-70, 45 colt, 35 rem and 30-30 levers for bears. If things go south its not the guns fault with any of them. That said, a 12ga is great medicine as well.
A good friend has been a very successful bear guide on the peninsula, says his favorite bear cartridge is the 35 Whalen. Punches way above its weight class.
Rem 7600 with a 18.5” barrel and 250 grain partitions just sounds good to me. Not sure on the reliability of that rifle model though. I personally would be able to shoot quicker with the pump action vs lever