Christensen Ridgeline headspace changed?

Sep 30, 2024
Is it possible for a rifles headspace to change?

I have a Christensen Ridgeline in 6.5 creedmoor. I had this rifle rebarreled once by christensen. I measured the jam point for my handloads with the hornady gauge at 2.89 oal.
I’ve been loading and shooting all summer a couple different bullets typical around 2.85 oal with no issues other than minor pressure and basic load development work.

I began having chambering issues this week. This looked like difficulty closing the bolt ( some rounds would chamber and others I didn’t feel safe chambering as it required significant force) and when ejecting the round the bullet was marred from jamming into the lands. I became concerned about this so reevaluated my loads, checked brass sizing, remeasured everything. Cleaned the rifle. Everything I know to do I’ve done.

I rechecked my oal with the hornady gauge again with a variety of bullets and I am jamming bullets into the lands at about 2.79 inches. 1/10 inch less than previously measuring and well under spec for ammo.
So again my questions, am I missing something obvious here or is it possible for a rifles headspace to change that drastically ?
Thanks all, would really appreciate any help here besides the obvious answer of sell the turd and get another Tikka. 😉


Aug 30, 2012
Distance to the lands and headspace are two different things. I’m not even sure what you’re asking, other than it’s clear some of your ammo isn’t chambering.

Measure brass that chambers easily and brass that won’t at the datum line on the shoulder. What’s the difference?

Then do the same with loaded cartridges measuring cbto, not oal. Bullets have different ogive locations. Measuring oal across different types is likely your problem.

Make sure you aren’t mixing brass and/or bullets as you measure. Keep your measurements consistent. You’ll find your answer.

But to answer the question, can headspace actually change? Yes, if a barrel shoots loose, but it won’t shrink. Things don’t shoot tighter, ever. Lots of other things can cause a rifle to act like short headspace though. Usually the ammo is the culprit, sometimes gunk or carbon can also build up in the chamber, but that takes lots of shooting usually.

I can almost guarantee you, your issues have nothing to do with the headspace of your rifles chamber.
Sep 30, 2024
so I guess I had a couple questions wrapped up there. Yes, I wanted to know about headspace changing. You answered just as I would suspect, a barrel can loosen but won’t tighten.
My resized brass all chambers fine, so probably not a headspace issue.

The distance to lands appears shorter, that is what I’m measuring with the hornady oal gauge. 1/10 inch less than when barrel was new.
I am jamming rounds into the lands and unable to close bolt on both factory 140eldm and 143eldx, as well as handloads.

Averaging about 2.190 base to ogive with hornady comparator on 143eldx factory ammo

I’m showing a measurement of 2.056 with 143eldx bullet in a hornady modified case and same comparator. ( this is off the oal gauge, bullet seated at jam point.)

Photo shows marring of the bullet, I assume from jamming into lands as all my measurements seem to confirm.

What am I missing here?


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