Chinook cooler at Costco

Oct 20, 2018
Anyone have experience with the Chinook soft sided coolers from Costco? I am looking at something to ride in the front seat of my truck for day trips and long drives. It doesn't seem to bad for $60
I picked one up last year and have been generally pleased with it. Overall I don't think it is the most ergonomic cooler to use. I don't get any value from the extra pockets on the side. The opening is pretty tight and you really can't fit as much stuff in there as other square soft sided coolers. Feels like some waisted space near the top of the bag above the zipper. Insulation is alright when not in direct sun. Zippers are pretty stiff. Took it on a couple day canoe trip and out in the sun and it didn't keep cold as long as I would have liked but I think I was asking to much from it. For casual use it should meet your needs.
I picked one up last year and have been generally pleased with it. Overall I don't think it is the most ergonomic cooler to use. I don't get any value from the extra pockets on the side. The opening is pretty tight and you really can't fit as much stuff in there as other square soft sided coolers. Feels like some waisted space near the top of the bag above the zipper. Insulation is alright when not in direct sun. Zippers are pretty stiff. Took it on a couple day canoe trip and out in the sun and it didn't keep cold as long as I would have liked but I think I was asking to much from it. For casual use it should meet your needs.
That's what I was wondering. It would be in a closed up truck for a few hours at a time and I was worried about ice retention. The pockets on the outside would be of no use to me. With it being sold by Costco, I guess if it didn't meet my needs I could always just return it.
I picked one up when they first came out from costco and I think carsonmcdonald nailed the review. I have the exact thoughts.