Cheap Skull Boiling Kit

Pressure washer is your friend with skulls.

How do you use it? Cook or macerate the skull and then blast it?

I know many need a fast way because of CWD issues, but IMHO maceration gives a much better end result.

I assume you would still be able to macerate the skull after boiling if you needed to immediately remove brain material for cwd? Anybody do this?
How do you use it? Cook or macerate the skull and then blast it?

I assume you would still be able to macerate the skull after boiling if you needed to immediately remove brain material for cwd? Anybody do this?
How do you use it? Cook or macerate the skull and then blast it?

I assume you would still be able to macerate the skull after boiling if you needed to immediately remove brain material for cwd? Anybody do this?

I simmer long enough to soften stuff up and then pressure wash everything off.

I have a cut down 55 gal steel drum that i use.
I got one at Canadian tire for 70 dollars and its big enough to have 2 buffalo skulls in it at once. It can be used on a stove or on an open fire. Its just a professional soup stock pot.
Just a PSA, be cautious when heating anything galvanized. The zinc fumes can be dangerous..... I use an old coleman camp stove and a chopped off steel drum. Slow simmer is plenty and helps keep from splitting bone. I know many need a fast way because of CWD issues, but IMHO maceration gives a much better end result.

an old welder told me drinking milk helps with he fumes
Alright, so I'm interested in maceration. Anyone have experience doing it in an uninsulated garage in the winter in a colder climate (Montana)?

I'm wondering how big of an aquarium heater I need to get to keep the bacteria going. Also thinking of a bucket heater, but the ones I've seen aren't the cheapest.
Most bucket heaters are thermostatically controlled. Insulate the heck outta your tub and toss a couple aquarium heaters in, and cover the whole shebang with old shipping blankets