Chasing Points


Nov 28, 2015
Every year it seems I read about or talk to people who are chasing points for a particular hunt. I'll give you a good example of how futile that can be.

When I first started building elk points in Colorado my goal was to someday hunt unit 61. It didn't take me too many years to figure out that I wasn't gaining any ground. I opted to hunt unit 76 instead, cashed in 7 points, and had a great hunt even though i ended up not trading a bull.

Then 8 years later I cashed them in again and hunted unit 40 with 8 points, that
time filling a tag with a nice bull. This year I just bought my 8th point again. So all together, I've had a total of 23 Colorado elk points.

Last year unit 61 (my original goal) required a minimum of 23 points to draw. Yes, if I hadn't already had two limited tags I would have had enough to draw by now because I would have accumulated 2 more points in the years that I did draw. But I would have shorted myself of at least one prime hunt in the meantime.

I'm 68 now, and who knows if I'll cash CO elk points in again or not. But the lesson I'll pass on is don't fall into the point creep trap. Find a unit you can draw and go hunt it! Your odds of killing the bull of your dreams go up the more times you can hunt.
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I do admit to saving my Arizona points a little too long. But that was kind of by design since I always had another option or points to cash in elsewhere. I don't think I've ever missed a year of hunting something somewhere out west, some years even more than once.
I purposely put off Arizona knowing that the terrain would be a little easier for an old guy like me when I finally got there. But even in Arizona I came down from the units I originally hoped I could catch and will be hunting a very good mid tier unit in September.
The other side of that is that people often don't bowhunt elk, or hunt much, while collecting those points. Then they apply for archery because they will never catch it for rifle. They seem to think there are 350 bulls behind every tree, and you can just flock shoot them. It's still a very challenging hunt, even for experienced bowhunters.

I have helped several guys who drew CO unit 2 since I hunted it in 2013, and none had ever bowhunted for elk before. One killed a nice bull because he patiently sat a waterhole I put him on. The others struck out. All those points, all those years waiting, then not knowing how to close the deal.
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I do admit to saving my Arizona points a little too long. But that was kind of by design since I always had another option or points to cash in elsewhere. I don't think I've ever missed a year of hunting something somewhere out west, some years even more than once.
I purposely put off Arizona knowing that the terrain would be a little easier for an old guy like me when I finally got there. But even in Arizona I came down from the units I originally hoped I could catch and will be hunting a very good mid tier unit in September.

I did the same after my first AZ tag. I could have drawn for the last 5 years but I really have no interest in blowing snow and cold as well as hunts in other states. I'll use them next year on a Sept bow hunt.
I always have planned to hunt OTC, I've drawn two OIL bull tags in random draws over the years but didn't really take advantage of those hunts because they came so easy and I wasn't a very experienced hunter at the time. I honestly don't even put in for hard-to-draw elk hunts in other states, I'd always rather find a hunt I can do every year and learn that area. I hunt because I love the hunt and don't really worry about the kill, that just comes as a bonus from spending so much time in the woods becoming a proficient hunter.

I would say to any new elk hunters, learn to hunt OTC or easy-to-draw tags, you will be leaps and bounds ahead in the long run. Don't let all the naysayers get to you about things like overpressure or poor-quality hunting, those people just don't put in the work and want an excuse for their failure. Almost every unit out there has an opportunity for a great hunt and memorable experience. IMO people get way too caught up on killing animals or needing to hunt some limited great area, for me, I go into all of my hunts with a high standard of what I plan to kill and plan on eating the tag, some of the best hunts I've ever been on have ended with an unpunched tag in my pocket!!
I’m really hoping to draw this year or next - certainly no top tier units tho.
I haven’t ever put in for out of state, and am probably missing out on a lot of opportunity.
Imagine starting in 1992 when 201/2/10 took ~8 points to draw as a NR. I may now be getting close to the NR with more points than anybody. I think that's what it's going to take.
And what is sometimes lost in the chase for premium units/point creep is the real goal a good Elk hunt.
Any Bull Elk is a trophy Elk to the guy that hiked the mountains / trails to get him.......I have hunted many
"Non" premium units and had great hunts/experiences and hunted two premium trophy tags with lesser experiences.
And what is sometimes lost in the chase for premium units/point creep is the real goal a good Elk hunt.
Any Bull Elk is a trophy Elk to the guy that hiked the mountains / trails to get him.......I have hunted many
"Non" premium units and had great hunts/experiences and hunted two premium trophy tags with lesser experiences.
that’s a solid point, the whole point game can build crazy pressure and expectations that can cause some mental issues on a hunt
that’s a solid point, the whole point game can build crazy pressure and expectations that can cause some mental issues on a hunt
When my partner and I drew two of the six resident archery tags for CO unit 2, even with combined 78 years experience bowhunting elk and plenty of good bulls under our belts, the pressure was palpable. Maybe more so for me because I had already sold the story to Bow and Arrow Hunting beforehand.

We hunted with recurves my partner built and set our goals, understanding we may eat the tags. It was a difficult hunt under difficult (hot) conditions. We both killed 350+ bulls, but discussed how frustrating this would be for an inexperienced elk hunter, especially one not accustomed to hunting the hot high desert pinon-juniper country. I can only imagine the stress and self-inflicted pressure for someone burning 30 points today, without good experience or a good guide.
I'm a lifelong CO resident and I started hunting elk in 1980. The most elk points I've ever had is 6, and I used those last year. But some guys get it in their heads that they just "have to" hunt one specific unit.
I feel like I have the opposite problem. I'm starting to get into that "donut hole" where I have 6 points and don't know what I want to use them on. The zones I want to hunt aren't about getting some magic trophy bull, they're just really interesting places that I want a good excuse to go explore and enjoy. But they're all places that either take 2 points... or 12!

With all the "SPEND YOUR POINTS NOW!!!!" chatter, I've considered just using them up next year on whatever seems best at the time. But then again, I always hunted in addition to building, either OTC or a 0-point unit, so I couldn't honestly say I "sacrificed" to get these. Since I don't really have an emotional investment in them, maybe I'll just ride it out until the last minute because my risk is low...
I had accumulated 29 NR elk preference points hoping to someday hunt the NW corner of the state. The point creep has always kept me 2 points behind from drawing. At age 61 and estimating it might take at least another 10 years for me to draw. I decided to cash in this year and hunt Unit 61 Muzzleloader.
Looking forward to my 30 hour drive to SW Colorado come September.
I had accumulated 29 NR elk preference points hoping to someday hunt the NW corner of the state. The point creep has always kept me 2 points behind from drawing. At age 61 and estimating it might take at least another 10 years for me to draw. I decided to cash in this year and hunt Unit 61 Muzzleloader.
Looking forward to my 30 hour drive to SW Colorado come September.
You'll have a fun hunt.
This is where a multi-state systematic approach is best.

I am a resident of New Mexico, I screwed up the only good tag I have had with work and life comittments.

But I have 5-10 points in Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and always put in for Idaho and a few others in hopes of getting enough tags to build experience.

A lot of guys in New Mexico hire a guide, because they don't have the time to put to it. In a good unit anywhere this is pretty sane advice.