Got a lot of my first quality hunting and outdoor gear this past winter. This will all be used for my PA whitetail woods as well as backpacking out west and possibly sheep, goat, or elk hunting (tagging along, I'm not doing the shooting)
Please don't critique me too hard since I'm a broke college student lol. I have to think with my wallet which is pretty tight but I put most of my money towards hunting gear. It's not all perfect but it's a start.
Alps outdoors commander pack + bag (it was a gift, so it will have to do for a while)
Sitka Equinox pants and jacket, fanatic hoody, lightweight hoody. I know it's whitetail stuff but I do a ton of hiking/shed hunting in it and I'm comfortable with it for a week of backpacking and serious hiking.
Kuiu super down ultra hooded jacket. (Won it)
Patagonia Torrentshell rain jacket, Sitka Dewpoint pants.
Kenetrek Hardscrabble hikers, hiking gaiters, OR Rocky mountain high gaiters.
Vortex crossfire 8x42 and diamondback 10x42 with a vortex bino bivy.
Will be buying more stuff in the future, appreciate any input.