Chamber Vacs and altitude


Feb 25, 2012
Abq NM
So I recently purchased a ARY VP210, after using it a bit I noticed that the pressure gauge wouldn't go below 0.08 which is right where the green starts on the gauge, the bottom of gauge is 0.1, all the videos I watched showed the gauge going way down into the green.

I called the techs from ARY to ask them why so we did some tests and all seemed good but he sent me a new gauge to install and try. Well that didn't change anything so he had me get into the machine and clean a couple of it's parts incase there was a little shard of metal somewhere, no change after that either. After all of that they just sent me a new machine which is doing the exact same thing.

I thought about it for a moment and that's when I wondered if altitude had any affect on the machines so I did a search and according to the "internet" altitude does have an affect on chamber vacs. I didn't find anything on altitude affecting the gauge or not but I wonder if the 0.08 is actually 0.1 at 6000 ft elevation or is it that I can only get 0.08 of the air out of the bags of meat at this elevation which means there could be a little ice in each bag of meat which is something I noticed with the first group of packaged meat. I would peg the gauge out at 0.08 for at least 10 to 15 seconds so I knew that was the max.

I am going to be calling the Tech up soon to tell them the issue still persists and I am looking forward to what they have to say but it blows my mind that the tech didn't think it may be an altitude issue right off the bat or at least before they sent a new machine out.

So I would like to know if others with chamber vacs have the same gauge issue and what elevation you are, if you don't have the issue and the gauge goes below 0.08 are you at a low elevation?


Sep 13, 2016
Had a cheaper vacuum sealer do the same thing. It wouldn’t trigger to start the sealing process. It would just run until I stopped it. Dropped down to 8000 ft or so and finally got it to work.

went to a unit with a manual seal button this year. Not sure about that quality of the vacuum yet. Looks ok in the freezer so far.


Dec 6, 2020
Bumping this thread up cuz I have the same issue on my vp215. The tech at Ary is telling me that at my elevation of 5,200 ft I may not reach .1 but it should at least get all of the air out, which mine is not. He also had me do a leak test and that showed that after turning off the power before reaching the lid release time, there is a slow loss of vacuum. I can't find the leak myself so I have to pay for shipping for them to repair it. They will cover labor and return shipping costs. What did you find?