Article 4
You wanna fund a study to solve your first question? If you do, ill run it....heck we can run it together with Frank.Do you have any data on cleanliness vs precision you can share? How dirty before precision starts to slip? What are your recommendations for frequency of cleaning?
To your 2nd question - I just shared that mil spec data last night in this thread.
If you are looking for an exact round count as a measure, you are likely not going to find that. Too many variables unless you set up a study to show exactly that - and it would have to be a huge sample set costing $$$$$$$ and have testing and mesuring devices built and calibrated for exactly that outcome. More $$$$$$$
For all the guys that don't clean, same question right back at you....do you have any measurable data? Have you done ANY comparison testing - havent seen any and when experts in the field, bbl makers, ballisiticians, and rifle makers provide deep experiential and Mil Spec data, you still wanna disregard it cause you and a few other people have had success not cleaning a bbl or 3
If yours aint broke, then dont fix it. Dont wanna clean, don't. Want validation for not cleaning? Not going to come from experienced bbl makers and industry leaders.