Central Idaho Mule Deer

Look at it however you want, I’ve done everything but go to the unit. I thought this was a forum for hunters to talk about units and hunting info. How could I be so naive? I’m not randomly getting tags. We’ve done research on the units. Guess that’s what happens when a bunch of Biden voters start hunting
This is specifically not the place where we talk about units. And I’m not trying to dig in on you but this might be a good introspective moment to consider your approach . Perhaps not coming across as a entitled flatlander would help
If you had asked for some suggestions on an easier unit in ID to take some older fellows you may have received a bunch of helpful PM feedback where guy would help you locate some great zone candidates .
Call the biologist . Then get there . Otherwise expect a tough hunt
Good luck and I can assure you the Biden comment quite out of place
How could I be so naive? I’m not randomly getting tags. We’ve done research on the units. Guess that’s what happens when a bunch of Biden voters start hunting

Your naivete is that you don't understand how the internet works. This has been explained by many members on here for many years. While you are new to this forum, and in this very thread several have tried, I'll help you out.
Any thread title with a unit number in it, or the thread discussion itself, will be searchable on google FOREVER.
Your asking for a hand out, free help, then you go on to insult the very people your asking for help?

Again, hang around, contribute to this community and you may find it is a great place with helpful folks.

Trolling and name calling will get you banned.
Hey OP, what general information are you looking to receive that you can’t find by simply googling your unit? There are 4 plus threads across a couple different forums regarding your unit.

Here’s a tip, the one thread where can talk about hunting and another one that I wouldn’t read late have some great information in there.
Here is some advice for hunting terrain like that. deer can hide in the smallest of folds and bumps. They will be holed up where you won't expect them. I've jumped bucks in a pile of tumbleweeds before because that is where they could hide. If it's windy they will be in protected areas as well. Cover ground with your legs and your glass.

To some people's point, it's like clockwork in December when people get Idaho tags and then again in May/June when all the other tags come out, people join this forum and it's become an actual joke that their very first thread/post says the unit in the title and somewhere in the post it says literally word for word "I am not looking for your honey hole". Like literally every time, so some people are getting fed up with it. I know you are new here so you didn't know.
It's been a little painful getting to this point but you are getting some good advice. Be grateful for what you're getting.
Just like how the ns tag sale went this year. I think a lot of people just bought tags they could get there hands on having no clue of terrain or what animals the units hold. Sold out faster this year than any other. 12 in line and couldn’t get deer or elk tags. Thanks go hunt!! Boots on the ground bud! Best of luck to you!

It's almost like there's rules about these things.
I don't think I can help much but... Back in 1981, I gridded the grassland kipuka (sp) and parts of the craters of the moon with a Bell 47 helicopter. Three fat boys in a flying bowling ball. We made passes every 100 ft for 3-4 days, collected samples and admired the geology. Although we occasionaly saw bones nothing alive existed on the surface of the basalt beyond the first 100 ft. Nor was there anything for a deer to eat. I don't remember seeing anything but a coyote. A very challenging pile of volcanic rocks.

This day and age you could do a similar event with google earth. You just won't be able to walk on hardly any of it. Some of the lava tubes were interesting but not much in the way of habitat.
OP, if you think people are being dicks, it wasn't always like this. Search Engine algorithms have gotten better than they used to be, a couple years ago I had an elk tag that when you googled the unit a forum post from 2009 would pop up that recommended a specific road as camping/access...so I checked it out, I'd estimate 90% of the hunters I saw on that hunt were concentrated along that one road/creek drainage.

You also don't realize that you've been a cliche, if you stick around and tell people how your hunt went and contribute to the forums and discussion people wont break your balls so much.

Anyway, I actually live a stones throw from the unit youre hunting. If I remember correctly you get an extra week to hunt there which could be beneficial for you. That country may look flat but getting around in it can be brutal, the ground is incredibly uneven. The flatness can make glassing deer difficult, as someone else said they can disappear into folds you never knew were there. I've seen a decent buck or two in the national park. I don't know what youre bringing for a vehicle but the things indicated on ONX aren't what most civilized people consider roads, there are some big ass jagged rocks out there. The good news is its usually dry I guess. I don't know where you're planning on staying but it is truly the ass end of nowhere.