

Jan 1, 2015
I'm due for new glasses so I went and got my eyes checked and found out that I have a cataract in my left eye.

Surgery will fix it. With glasses, I can see fine and because it's my left eye, it doesn't affect my shooting so I am going to roll with it for another year and see what it looks like next year. It does impact night driving though. I have noticed that glare bothers me more and evidently it's related to the cataract.

There was a time something like this would have really bothered me but I suprised myself. It's common, it's fixable and I probably don't need to do anything for 3-5 years or so, unless I decide otherwise. Not a big deal....but I am glad I went and had my eyes checked. Now I know and I can deal with it in my own timeframe. One thing I've learned is that it can always be a lot worse. Be thankful for what it isn't.
There is a lot of development work being done on improved IOL (intraocular lens) designs. The goal being to restore the ability of the eye to change the shape of the lens instead of having just one focal length. You may want to do some research on what lenses are available and what is being developed or has been developed and is in FDA review. There could be a significant benefit to waiting a few years depending on your situation. I will say that I could not wait due to cataract progression degrading my vision and I am much better off now even with the single focal length lens implants.
Headed for the surgery myself. Like you, not quite there yet. My wife had both eyes done about a year ago and she now has full vision without need for any corrective lenses-a first for her since she was about 6 years old.
There is a lot of development work being done on improved IOL (intraocular lens) designs. The goal being to restore the ability of the eye to change the shape of the lens instead of having just one focal length. You may want to do some research on what lenses are available and what is being developed or has been developed and is in FDA review. There could be a significant benefit to waiting a few years depending on your situation. I will say that I could not wait due to cataract progression degrading my vision and I am much better off now even with the single focal length lens implants.
I've started that process. Like a lot of things, Dr's have their preferences for procedure, lenses etc., and not all are created equal. I'm going to take my time and figure it out but I've already decided I'm not having it done in NW Arkansas. I take my wife up to the Mayo Clinic every 3 months. I'm going to look into having it done up there. I think there is a benefit to taking your time and getting educated on options, so that you can make good choices when surgery is required and go to the best place you can get into. Local or not.
Not sure you are wellserved by having cataract surgery at an academic/training center. Just make sure an attending surgeon is doing your case not a resident.
My wife had both eyes done at Baskin Palmer in Miami by an attending that does 20/ day, she did fine. Friend was done by a community ophth in New Braunfels Tx recommended by my son who is a vitreoretinal surgeon in Austin. Common denominator both were busy cataract surgeons with lots of experience. The surgeon from Miami is now in practice in Bend Oregon, never know where you will find talent.
78 years old. Just had both eyes done. While I was 20/20 in the right eye - 20/40 in the left. I always had to carry reading glasses, even to the grocery store to read fine print labels.

I have for 30 years felt necked without my reading glasses - BUT it is great to NOT need them. now I am typing this now without glasses and am easily reading all the fine print.

I looked thru several scopes today at the LGS - Can't believe how clear and sharp I can see through them. I am going to enjoy the next 30 years seeing as clear as I did the first 30!!!
Easiest eye surgery I ever had, I didn't even know he had done it. I thought he was just taking pictures of my eye. I could have driven home myself of course my wife wouldn't let me.
I had the surgery to add interocular lenses in both eyes. The Left (Dominant eye) came out great I had it set to medium and far as I like to shoot sporting clays. They suggested I set the right eye to near and medium and that my brain would adjust. My brain said no. I was often nauseous. They re-did the right eye with a triple lens. The out come is ok but not great.
I m old enough to have seen and witnessed dramatic improvement in many medical procedures.

The eye surgeries, joint replacements, etc have came so far; even in the past 4-5 years there’s leaps and bounds of improvement.
Update: My cataract surgery was in 2010. Late last year, I was having trouble seeing my pins. The best description is that it was like someone smeared vasoline over my eye. The eye doctor told me that the lens is in a little bag, and the bag had become more opaque. Scheduled the surgery, they numbed my eye with a local anesthetic and zapped the lens with a laser. 5 minutes tops and 20 minutes after the surgery, back to perfect vision.
Just visited my eye Dr that did my cataract surgery 6 months ago. She said that "fog" can grow on the back side of the new lens. She said I have a little, but not enough to be concerned about. She indicated that like kcm2 said, laser can clean it off at any time. Simple process - nothing to worry about.
In less time that it takes to shave and shower you can have good vision again.
There’s usually a two week wait time between procedures if having both eyes done with a week of lifting/bending restrictions after each.

I had a little Glaucoma going on as well which added about 5 additional minutes to my Cataract surgery so within 15 minutes both corrections were finished on my right eye. The same surgery will be performed on my left eye on Feb 6th, exactly two weeks after the right eye procedure was done.