Got a new evolution today. Watched vids on how to use it. Didn't change any factory settings at first. I tried it on a simulator (boot lace) and it fired. I hooked it up to my d loop, depressed the safety, came to full draw, released the safety and started pulling. I pulled, pulled, pulled, started shaking, it wouldn't fire. I depressed the safety, let down, backed the tension screw out (counter clockwise), tried it again, same thing. I repeated this several times until the screw was backed out as far as it would go, still wouldn't fire. I then changed to the lighter 30# spring, repeated the same as before, and it still wouldn't fire with my bow. It will still fire using the simulator. My form is good (shoulder isn't collapsing, hand is straight). So then I hooked up to my d loop, pulled back with safety depressed, tried to pull through it and nothing. Then, while at full draw, I intensionally bumped the safety forward with my thumb, and the release fired. I had a feeling the safety wasn't disengaging, which is why I bumped it forward. Am I doing something wrong or does it sound like this release is faulty?