Platypus 3L and a sawyer close to the mouthpiece. Works great. Turn the valve off to keep it from leaking. Slide the mouth piece off and fill anything else you want with filtered water. All of my bladders are dirty water and just filter anything I'm not going to boil that I ingest. I figured it was easier to make all my water storage dirty water so I couldn't make a mistake.
I have never liked the taste of water drank from a bladder and have always used a Nalgene. However, for the last few years I have started using lightweight collapsible water bottles (the ones that store bought bottled water comes in). I like the ones with a flip lid, they also attach EZ to my Sawyer water filter using a tornado tube.
This fall my wife and used a couple of these and really them. Liked the flip top and the included hook.
I switched over to platypus 3L w/ in line filter this year. Also stored water in 2L platypus bottle.
They don't "taste" like my old camel back does. And the platypus bite valve does not leak...yet...but is easy to replace. Due to the daily on and off use for filling everyone's bladders and bottles I think a spare bite valve would be a good idea next season.
I use the Platy big zip, the bite valve has an on/off so no leakage when the valve is shut. One thing I really like about the zip is you can fill it from a trickle where you would have a hard time with other bladders or a bottle. I much prefer bladders unless it is going to freeze, which can make them kind of useless (drinking through the tube anyhow).
i like and use both. the bladder has it's obvious advantages. a nalgene..i love mine and will clip it to the outside of my pack everytime. empty. i love drinking from a vessel like a cup at camp. just guzzle. it also lets me mix flavored hydration drinks.
I only use camelbak or source one type bladders in the summer time. Too much risk with leakage and hose freeze with a cambelbak type bladder come winter. Yea I have tried blowing air back in the hose, but I still have had freeze ups on just ruckmarches in the winter. I will typically use 2 (32 oz) wide mouth colapseable nalgene cantenes in the winter. I carry it upside down in the two vertical chest pockets on my Army wind breaker (ECWS Gen III Lvl 4). The wide mouths don't freeze as fast as narrowmouths. The inverted method keeps the most liquid water by the mouth piece preventing ice from forming and blocking the opening like a right side up cantene. The vertical chest pockets are perfect for accessing the colapseable nalgenes even with a pack on and your core heat will keep the water from freezing. You can squeeze the air out of a colapseable canteen just like a camelbak bladder and get no slosh. Now in the summer I am back to a camelbak type bladder for convenience. I don't worry about mouth piece leakage in the summer.
A tornado tube, is a kids toy used to demonstrate how a tornado is formed. I had to shorten mine a little so that the threads engage, they allow you to connect a sawyer filter to a bottle or bladder.
I do bring a filter with me all the time. I got the nasty from bad water in Iraq and I NEVER want it again. On rare occasions I will drink unfiltered while in the alpine.
My buddy Luke used 2 nalgenes this year and didn't use a bladder. He had no issues. I carry a 2L bladder and a nalgene. I could probably get by with just 2 gatorade bottles but I love having quick sips accessible.
I use a camelbak water beast, its the heavy duty one. neoprene hose sleeve and shut off valve. had it for years. also bring a 48oz nalgene, the soft plastic one, not the polycarbonate.