Carry rifle on SG packs


Jul 2, 2020
Unless I missed it, Stone Glacier does not sell a way to attach a rifle to their packs. I see they had a quick release system at one time. Maybe they are just out of stock. What do you prefer?
Thanks. Says pick up not available so they must be out. Do folks like the sling? It is light. That is good.
I used the bottom of the SG rifle sling as prescribed by SG with a Sling Hook and ultralight mountaineer sling during an 8 day Alaska trip last year. I could get the rifle to my shoulder in a few seconds and also put the rifle back in while wearing the back. I didn’t really find a downside especially moving in Grizz country.

I like the stone glacier attachment. I've also used the kifaru universal gun bearer on a couple of packs and liked it too.

SG pros: lightweight, quick access, rifle is out of the way, it stays secure when taking the pack on and off.
SG cons: barrel sits up higher, can be in the way going through low brush, though side note, not a huge issue when carrying a pack fully loaded for a week +, as the pack itself is pretty tall anyways. Can't put the rifle back in the sling system with the pack on.

Kifaru pros: quick access, easy to put the rifle back in the gun bearer with the pack on, barrel sits low for going through brush
Kifaru cons: have to take the rifle out of the system every time you take your pack off, then strap it back in once your pack is back on. Can be annoying having the rifle sitting under your arm all the time. Heavier than the SG if you're counting ounces.

I'd like to try the SG lower piece with a slik sling upper, but the new slik slings look ridiculous, and i don't want the whole setup. I might also try the SG lower with the Kifaru strap attachment, but I'm not sure how securely it'll sit with the rifle at that angle.

I have one of those sling hooks kicking around somewhere. It's next to useless just using a rifle sling, but I'll try it with the SG lower like that, good idea.

Overall I prefer the stone glacier. I'm not pulling my rifle off all that often, so it's not a big deal to have to put it back on, and overall easier than having to take it in and out of the system every time the pack comes off like the kifaru. If I'm still hunting or something it's in my hands anyways, I wouldn't want it strapped into any sort of carrier system. Also, if you hunt with a partner, it's easy to have them strap it back in for you.
Tried them both, Kifaru all the way. Not being able to put the rifle back in the sling when your pack is on is a deal breaker for me. If I'm going to have to put the rifle on the pack while it is laying on the ground then I might as well just strap it right to the pack and not have it swinging around anyway.
Not to mention, if needed the getting your rifle into play in a hurry is MUCH faster with the Kifaru version.
Depends on whether you need to quickly access the rifle while attached. Bought the Kifaru universal gun bearer years ago. Been very happy with it. Used it in a variety of packs: mystery ranch, Kuiu, stone glacier. Easy access to the rifle, rides well, and able to always keep positive barrel awareness.
I'm trying the FHF sling next year. So far it seems pretty cool just playing around with it.
Okay found FHF on line. Probably not for me, and I do not think I would like the rifle under my arm.

I will try the SG when available and perhaps later a bit like eamyrick.
I used the bottom of the SG rifle sling as prescribed by SG with a Sling Hook and ultralight mountaineer sling during an 8 day Alaska trip last year. I could get the rifle to my shoulder in a few seconds and also put the rifle back in while wearing the back. I didn’t really find a downside especially moving in Grizz country.

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Only portion of your comment I can’t find is the ultra light mountaineering sling? Is that a brand or general term? Any closer photos of the set up? Yes I did zoom in lol.
I use it on my SG pack. Don't much care for it. The quick release tab you pull on for release always snakes its way out or where it rests and is never there when I need to pull it. It's also grey which matches the pack color and it's hard to find under all circumstances. The webbing saddle the rifle butt rests in hangs up when pulling my rifle out. I have one of those elastic cartridge holders on the stock so that doesn't help. That butt saddle webbing would probably be fine for a smooth trim buttstock.

It's a good design but he makes it out of whatever is laying around the shop. I'm sure I can modify it which is what I'll do. Just keep forgetting to do it until hunting season rolls around and I'm busy.
It’s funny. I absolutely hated the Kifaru. Couldn’t stand having the rifle under my arm. Like so many things in this pursuit, it mostly boils down to personal preference.
same I hated the gun bearer. very awkward. the SG is much better. don't ever notice my rifle is there. easy to deploy when I need to. barrel sits just as high as a folded Hnt26 or XLR in the side pocket.