Carry rifle on SG packs


Jul 2, 2020
Unless I missed it, Stone Glacier does not sell a way to attach a rifle to their packs. I see they had a quick release system at one time. Maybe they are just out of stock. What do you prefer?
Thanks. Says pick up not available so they must be out. Do folks like the sling? It is light. That is good.
Do folks like the sling? It is light. That is good.
I like it a lot. Holds the rifle quite snug. Only downside IMO, is you can’t put the rifle back on the pack without taking the pack off. Or at least I’m not that flexible.
I used the bottom of the SG rifle sling as prescribed by SG with a Sling Hook and ultralight mountaineer sling during an 8 day Alaska trip last year. I could get the rifle to my shoulder in a few seconds and also put the rifle back in while wearing the back. I didn’t really find a downside especially moving in Grizz country.

Tried the quick release sling of theirs and did not care for it.

I just strap it to the pack now, if I dont want the rifle in my hands.