Caribou Success in Alaska

The next Caribou hunt was a few weeks later and at the beginning of August. Usually around this time is when you can expect to see pulse's of caribou coming through the area. We certainly did, too! This was another quick weekend hunt where we put on around 1500 miles round trip, slept in the truck and ate simple shit like sandwich's.

Since I had already taken a caribou, my buddy was up first and as my luck dictated, there was a few really nice bulls in the group! He was able to put an incredible stalk on the bulls and arrowed the best one in the group! He died in a damn pond about 8ft below the tundra, so getting this horse up for photos was a chore!

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A few hours later found me stalking a lone bull on the side of a nice tundra ridge. I walked about a mile to get around and above him. After a brisk hike, I was 90 yards away and he was in zombie mode, facing me but totally unaware. I decided to wait and let him make a move instead of bumping him. After 30 minutes or so, the damn thing decided the bugs were enough and he began sprinting in the opposite direction. Not what I wanted to see, but just as caribou do, he completely changed course and began running right back to me. I had to move about 300 yards through some rocks and terrain to intercept him, but I did and he came by me at 15 yards and I made my shot. He was down in 30 yards. View attachment 226738

This is where the story takes a shit, for me anyhow. There were caribou everywhere, it was unreal. I am talking several thousand and we had tags left to burn so the excitement was high. We took off after a large group and after the stalk didn't work out we headed back. On my walk back, I heard "ting-ting" and looked down at my feet to see my sight housing had broken off and fallen. Yay.. Caribou all over, no way to shoot them. I was pretty disappointed.View attachment 226743

Later that day, I missed a real dandy at 25 yards bedded, tried just bare bowing it... arrow sailed 4 feet over his back and I decided to head home, buy a new sight and return soon.
Its usually the small things that get you!
Caribou is ok, Elk is better. We eat a lot of caribou and never complain.

Truthfully, most all wild game tastes great if taken care of properly.
Caribou is ok, Elk is better. We eat a lot of caribou and never complain.

Truthfully, most all wild game tastes great if taken care of properly.
Agree 100%!!!
Elk is my favorite. I need to figure out how to hunt one here in State (Alaska)
Good to know the later season Bou still tasted good. Heard they turn bad once the rut starts.
Very cool thanks for sharing and congrats!! Hope to make it up to hunt caribou at least once someday
Time to add a few more to this thread.

Early 2021 I headed north on a quick solo hunt. Arrived in fog and rain but began glassing in a likely spot in between fog rolling in. Found this bull bedded a ways out and stalked into 50 yards. After an hour, he stood up and walked right to me. 10 yard shot and 40 yard death run. IMG_3150.jpeg
Hunted some other stuff and waited for the NR season to close and tried again. Caribou hunting is much more fun without all the madness.

First morning we found a group of bulls and this one caught my eye. 45 yard shot and died within 60. IMG_3585.jpeg
After packing that one out I lended my services to my friends and helped them pack out the 4 they had arrowed.

Next day a good push came through and I had a few hundred come by me. 20 yard shot and tagged out for the season. IMG_3718.jpeg
We ended up notching 10 tags that weekend, what a great time.

Didn’t hunt caribou in 2022 cause I was made to move to Florida for 10 months. After a few months, we decided to take our future into our own hands, made some risky life decisions and drove back to Alaska for good. It all worked out and life’s back on track!

2023 I went along with a great friend who’s nearing the end of his archery Super Slam. With just a few animals left I really wanted to be there for it. The first morning, after a night of complete shit weather, we found ourselves just 40 yards from 7 bulls. This one was the biggest and he arrowed it. IMG_5374.jpeg
We packed that bull to camp and found another. As we were hiking towards him to figure out a stalk, he bedded right under some rocks. Our job just got much easier, slipped around the backside of the Rocky outcropping and snuck into 50 yards above him. He stood after a bit and the arrow was on its way. He didn’t go far. IMG_1912.jpeg