Caribou Closures on Alaska Federal Public Lands (WSA 16-01)

I posted same info request on AK super site. Will check it and see. Haven't seen anything in newspaper or radio so we'll see.
Just bumping this up to see if there was any update on this. I had thought I saw somewhere that there'd be a decision by June 1st or so. It would be nice to know if my hunt is still on this fall so I can buy airfare before it gets too expensive :D :/

There are a couple of threads on this, but I called and talked with ADF&G last week, they still don't know, but they are opposed to the closures and are planning on moving forward with this season just like last year unless the Feds tell them otherwise. The regulation year starts July 1, so they should post no later than that if there are changes.
No closure 26A and 26B and a lot of 23 opened back up - nice work and thanks to everyone who helped put the pressure on - especially Larry!

Releases below 26 first, 23 after break:

1011 East Tudor Road MS-121 • Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6199 • [email protected] • (800) 478-1456 / (907) 786-3888
This document has been cleared for public release #11706222017.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Land Management
National Park Service
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Federal Subsistence Board
News Release
Forest Service
For Immediate Release:
June 22, 2017
Contact: Caron McKee
(907) 786-3880 or (800) 478-1456
[email protected]
Federal Subsistence Board rejects request to close Federal public lands in Unit 26A and Unit 26B to caribou hunting by non-Federally qualified users
The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) rejected Temporary Special Action Request WSA17-04, which requested that Federal public lands in Unit 26A and Unit 26B be closed to caribou hunting by non-Federally qualified users during the July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 regulatory year.
The Board concluded that recently enacted conservation actions by the Alaska Board of Game and Board for the Western Arctic, Teshekpuk, and Central Arctic Caribou Herds need to be given time to determine if they are effective in reducing the caribou harvest, and in slowing down or reversing the population declines in these caribou herds before additional closures are enacted. Closure of Federal public lands to non-Federally qualified users would not likely have as much of an effect as recent Alaska Board of Game actions that protect cows and reduce the overall caribou harvest. Much of the non-Federally qualified user harvest occurs on State lands, and a closure runs the risk of concentrating hunters onto State lands, which are adjacent to some villages, thereby increasing impacts to these communities.
The number of caribou harvested by non-Federally qualified users is not biologically significant for the Western Arctic and Teshekpuk Caribou Herds in Unit 26A and the potentially significant impact of non-Federally qualified user harvest from the Central Arctic Caribou Herd in Unit 26B has now been addressed by newly enacted State regulations for the 2017-2018 regulatory year. The Board recommends that these changes take effect in lieu of enacting additional regulations at this time.
Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at Federal Subsistence Management Program | U.S. Department of the Interior or by visiting Alaska Federal Subsistence Management Program - Home | Facebook.
Missing out on the latest Federal subsistence issues? If you’d like to receive emails and notifications on the Federal Subsistence Management Program you may subscribe for regular updates by emailing [email protected].

1011 East Tudor Road MS-121 • Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6199 • [email protected] • (800) 478-1456 / (907) 786-3888
This document has been cleared for public release #11606222017.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Land Management
National Park Service
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Federal Subsistence Board
News Release
Forest Service
For Immediate Release:
June 22, 2017
Contact: Caron McKee
(907) 786-3880 or (800) 478-1456
[email protected]
Federal Subsistence Board approves partial closure of Federal public lands to caribou hunting in Unit 23
The Federal Subsistence Board (Board) has approved Temporary Special Action Request WSA17-03 with modification to close all Federal public lands within a 10 mile wide corridor (5 miles either side) along the Noatak River from the western boundary of Noatak National Preserve upstream to the confluence with the Cutler River; within the northern and southern boundaries of the Eli and Agashashok River drainages, respectively; and within the Squirrel River drainage to caribou hunting except by Federally qualified subsistence users for the July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 regulatory year. The Board supports a more targeted closure at this time and would prefer to leave the question of a closure of all Federal public lands in Unit 23 to be addressed through the 2018-2020 regulatory cycle. The Board believes that the request, as modified, is a reasonable compromise for all users.
Closure of some Federal public lands for the continuation of subsistence uses is warranted. Continued complaints about conflicts surrounding the Noatak, Eli, Agashashok and Squirrel River drainages and the apparent benefit of the 2016-2017 Federal closure to Noatak residents, as evidenced by letters and public testimony, support the closure of Federal public lands in these areas. Additionally, the short-term effects of aircraft on caribou behavior can negatively affect hunting success and harvest. However, closure of all Federal public lands in Unit 23 represents an unnecessary restriction on non-Federally qualified users.
Additional information on the Federal Subsistence Management Program may be found on the web at Federal Subsistence Management Program | U.S. Department of the Interior or by visiting Alaska Federal Subsistence Management Program - Home | Facebook.
Missing out on the latest Federal subsistence issues? If you’d like to receive emails and notifications on the Federal Subsistence Management Program you may subscribe for regular updates by emailing [email protected].
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Thanks Larry for all your efforts.

I don't hunt out there but we still need to protect that right.

And thanks for keeping us all informed so well!
Roger that. Let's go hunt!


LB - I always enjoy your videos and posts. Always informative and real.

Watching these videos its easy to see your love for the past and preservation of the future.

On a few remote sheep hunts I often wondered if another human has taken the steps I have taken. Epic stuff.
