P6, or P3 or whatever, is driven by the Corps of Engineers scheduling specification from nearly 30 years ago. It’s just too large and cumbersome for every day needs, but federal agencies have adapted various cost scheduling functions within it into their financial management. Way overboard IMO.
Down in Denver is the headquarters for CH2M Hill. At least the money headquarters is there. If you are not opposed to traveling all over the globe an AE firm like CH2 can give you a solid career in project management. Focus on QA/QC and the inspection and acceptance process to become indispensable to management. If you are unfortunate they could stick in some backwoods hell hole like Anchorage, AK and you'll be forced to obtain residency and go hunt dall sheep. We all have to make sacrifices. Of course the biggest issue with construction in AK is that the busiest days are in August and September when you should be out hunting.