CarbonSix Holiday Sale Order Status

I also think they removed their refund and order cancelation policies off their website. I could not find them tonight.

Speaking from experience, only pay with a credit card that has a good dispute policy when dealing with companies like these. You'll need to document why you're disputing so far after the deadline to dispute. C6 will drag it out until you don't have any recourse and their return policy is the middle finger. Yeah, they'll keep "working" to make it right but that's unlikely to yield acceptable results before you've wasted a couple months and your barrel has wracked up more air miles than you do in a decade.
I also think they removed their refund and order cancelation policies off their website. I could not find them tonight.

It is on the build page. They make you acknowledge the current lead time and the statement that lead times are subject to change and then all of the return, change, and cancellation language is there and requires an acknowledgement as well.
They recently added a barrel order update tab on their website. You send in your query and then they state it will only take 1 or 2 weeks for them to get back to you. 😬

I tried it out and only took them a couple of days to respond. Unfortunately, it did not have anything useful to say other than saying that they have all new employees and it should be completed in "the coming weeks".
Got the invoice for the 50% of my 11/8/2023 order yesterday. They can sit on t for a month or two.

Yeah - not sure I'll do business with Carbon Six again. My Proof blank process for a 7PRC build was so much faster and worth a few hundred more. The fact that they won't take their foot off the sales pedal and tell paid customers to pound sand speaks to their lack of business ethics.


Yeah - not sure I'll do business with Carbon Six again. My Proof blank process for a 7PRC build was so much faster and worth a few hundred more. The fact that they won't take their foot off the sales pedal and tell paid customers to pound sand speaks to their lack of business ethics.


I've had great luck with some of the higher initial cost barrels. So far, I'm 0 and 6 with low cost button rifle barrels. Once I found a good smith and started buying blanks the lead times went down and the cost after the purchase went down. My time is valuable and the amount of it plus reloading components easily eclipses the cost of a good blank chambered by a competent Smith.

Btw, the earlier post referencing the excuse of having "all new employees" is a red flag for anyone paying attention. The good ones quit and the new ones are learning at your expense.
I'll be dipped in shhitt! I got notice that my barrel will arrive at my house tomorrow. Order date was Late November, I think the 23rd or so. Let's hope it shows up and screws on with no hiccups.
Any report yet? I’m waiting on a year end sale barrel too. No word on mine but, hoping at least to hear that the wait was worth it?
I ordered a 6.5prc shorty late November, was told 5 or so months. I factored in the sale plus holidays and figured late June.....Then, I saw an overstock 7prc barrel... called Gene, worked in some deals for some fitting and shipping, and shipped my actions to them for fitting in house along with a bolt that made its way to them for the 7 PRC. (1 custom action, 1 OEM 700)

I haven't gotten anything, nor any emails about arrival times, I sent an email and got a response that was somewhat vague and said my blank hadn't even been received.....

I have an Idaho oct elk hunt and I was hoping one would be done, I am sure I could pressure them to mail the complete 7prc back, but the deal was to save shipping we would 2 for 1 them back in a case......

I understand how it goes..... and didn't they get some Bulk manufacturing deal as well? I maybe misheard that part.......

Either way. I am almost dead nuts 9 months later and really haven't gotten much back except we are behind be patient...

My fingers are crossed that they shoot great and my patience is paid off....
I finally received my order from November. It looks all good other than they forgot to send a muzzle brake I ordered. I’ll get it headspaced next week and let everyone know how it shoots.
I finally received my order from November. It looks all good other than they forgot to send a muzzle brake I ordered. I’ll get it headspaced next week and let everyone know how it shoots.
when did you order in Nov and how much did you harass them lol