Wondered about this, since McGowen offers shouldered R700 prefits as well.I called and asked them about this, and they said they've been having good luck with it. They'll even cut it to headspace with their lug if you buy one with a barrel. I will definitely be checking headspace if I decide to do it though. Sounds like they've only had a couple that required slight tweaks by customers' smiths.
Wondered about this, since McGowen offers shouldered R700 prefits as well.
Interesting, considering we hear so much about how awful Rem's tolerances are. Not that I'd build a benchrest gun off one, but that would imply the lion's share are tight enough to make it between a go and a no-go gauge.
May give that a try, got an XLR Element and a stock short action I've been toying with the idea of making a 6 Creed out of for the kids to learn on, since I can shorten up the LOP so much.I actually just got my rem prefit from them. The bolt closes very tight on the go gauge, but I’m okay with that. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I ordered one of their lugs too and requested to have the barrel cut to headspace on it rather than the factory lug.
May give that a try, got an XLR Element and a stock short action I've been toying with the idea of making a 6 Creed out of for the kids to learn on, since I can shorten up the LOP so much.
Gotta ask with a username like that, J3 or PA-18?
Have had an interesting time getting my endorsement so far, had two lessons in a Citabria before the club sold it, and one in a J3 before the owner put it into a ditch next to the short runway at Hooks the following day. Someday I'll finish it...18. I have some j3 time though.
Yeah it’s walnut with a 1 1/16 hole drilled in the centerI like that barrel vise. Is that walnut?
It shot dimes at 100 yards very accurateHow did it end up shooting? Currently debating if i should call CarbonSix and switch my contour to sendero before they start making it.
No they did not and it seems there is no standard when it comes to torquing the action to the barrel, so I just torqued the action to the barrel at 85 ft lbHow did you torque the barrel on? Did carbon six specify a value?
Yup that’s what I did, and they will only fit in non trued actions. And all you do is just screw it in and torque. I assume carbon size holds thier barrel shoulder length and recoil lug extremely tight I prefer to fut the head space requirement of the rem 700So you were able to order a shouldered prefit for a non trued 700? How does that work exactly? Just curious i didn't think that 700s were consistent enough receiver to receiver to allow for that.