can't stand people that back out


Apr 3, 2014
Sullivan, MO.
granted this isn't a western hunt by my nephew and I have had a deer hunting trip for the weekend planned for weeks. the youth season was this weekend and his 10 year old daughter got a nice deer for her first one. well now all of a sudden his wife wants to go hunting this weekend when we were supposed to be gone. she hasn't hunted all year and now all of a sudden he can't go cause she wants to hunt.
I need some new hunting buddies
That's one reason I hunt alone 99% of the time.

Take someone else, kill big deer and show him what he missed out on.
My hunting buddy is my pops. We always schedule months in advance so we don't have scheduling conflicts. I wish I had another pal though. Especially when my pops can't go
Had to back out one time so my partner took a guy from his work and his wife. She killed a big 8 on the stand he had pegged for me. And yes he rubbed that in for a long long time.
Sorry to hear that. I've had many hunts screwed up by hunting partners wives. It's hard enough to find a good hunting partner, and nearly impossible to find one with a wife that won't throw a wrench in the gears at a moment's notice.
My brother and my dad are my best fishing and hunting partners. I have a friend up in North central MT that is alway on his farm so he's good to go out with. And he'll tell his wife what for if she were to tell him no. But everyone else can be hit or miss. I had a buddy talking about a duck hunt this last weekend a few weeks ago. I didn't bother to set it up with him when I realized it was Halloween. Him and his fiance are the "dress up as a couple" for Halloween party types. I knew that hunting was going to take a back seat. Like I said. My dad and brother never let me down. My brother and I are trying to buy a business in another town in MT, and part of the appeal is doing it with my brother who I know I can always count on, but for both of us, its also living in the same town and knowing we have someone to go hunt and fish with.
Well I have no idea about you guys, but my wife is my #1 partner in life and far outranks anyone else I know. I love my friends too, but I know who's always going to win when both have wants or needs. Thankfully, I'm married to a very sane and logical woman who wouldn't behave selfishly (quite the opposite in fact) and all my friends think very highly of her. I got lucky.

And really good hunting partners are like diamonds. You might never find one despite years of looking. If you do...don't let go!
Having a good reliable hunting partners without conflicting schedules is challenging at best. I just got back from Kodiak hunting Blacktail deer with some friends from church and it was really a blessing and a rarity. The four of us did well and we enjoyed each other's company.
Well I have no idea about you guys, but my wife is my #1 partner in life and far outranks anyone else I know. I love my friends too, but I know who's always going to win when both have wants or needs. Thankfully, I'm married to a very sane and logical woman who wouldn't behave selfishly (quite the opposite in fact) and all my friends think very highly of her. I got lucky.

And really good hunting partners are like diamonds. You might never find one despite years of looking. If you do...don't let go!

Kevin, I'm in the same boat as you. Some days I can't comprehend how blessed I am to be married to my lady. I couldn't go Elk hunting this year, because my wive's job was terminated. We saw the writing on the wall as her company was centralizing and doing away with field positions. Anyways, among all the other emotions; she kept apologizing that I couldn't go elk hunting. I felt like a heel when I called my CO hunting pals, and my brother to let them know. They were all super cool about it as well. That makes them diamonds, but man they rubbed it in.
granted this isn't a western hunt by my nephew and I have had a deer hunting trip for the weekend planned for weeks. the youth season was this weekend and his 10 year old daughter got a nice deer for her first one. well now all of a sudden his wife wants to go hunting this weekend when we were supposed to be gone. she hasn't hunted all year and now all of a sudden he can't go cause she wants to hunt.
I need some new hunting buddies
I hunt near you if you want to tag along
granted this isn't a western hunt by my nephew and I have had a deer hunting trip for the weekend planned for weeks. the youth season was this weekend and his 10 year old daughter got a nice deer for her first one. well now all of a sudden his wife wants to go hunting this weekend when we were supposed to be gone. she hasn't hunted all year and now all of a sudden he can't go cause she wants to hunt.
I need some new hunting buddies

No offense here but I think you're actually jealous of his "new" hunting partner.
But in his defense, I know I'd jump at the chance to have my wife and best freind as a hunting partner. Just saying...
I have a brother that I hunt with mainly during opening weekend of rifle season in Missouri. I used to get upset when he would back out or not commit to going, but I have decided I'm going regardless so if he goes great if he doesn't it will not affect my plans at all. The same way when I go elk hunting and luckily I have a buddy who agreed to go last year. We get along great we have very similar hunting styles and we both have understanding wives who would never ask us to back out on a hunt, but encourages us to hunt. Good hunting buddies are really hard to find.