Can’t find the right bag/quilt/blanket

Jan 12, 2020
Boyertown, PA
I might be searching for something that doesn’t exist. I’ve read and searched all I could on this forum and still haven’t found my answer.
While I am an experienced camper, I am relatively new to back country hunting. Packing lightweight, with an entire sleep system in my pack. Most of my camping has been close to vehicle where weight and items were never an issue.
I have a few different sleeping pads, bags, and also a quilt. I am looking to find the best option for me when it comes to sleeping as I’ve yet to find a setup that’s fits me.
I am a very hot sleeper. Struggle to sleep with my feet covered up for some reason. Also I prefer to sleep on my side. Sleeping bags are my enemy. More often than not I find myself unzipping and sleeping on my pad, while using part of my bag ad a blanket.
I tried a quilt and while that was much better, it left me wondering if there was a better option for me in the 0-30 degree temp range.

I’m almost thinking like a sleeping pad suited for such temps plus some sort of down blanket??? Only.

Do any of you way more experience than I have any sort of recommendations on a sleeping pad and a blanket that would suit that temperature? Or is a quilt still my best option?

Thanks in advance

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Nov 15, 2018
A quilt with a zip/drawstring foot box so you can leave it open if desired? Google “Katabatic Flex Quilt” and see if that would do it. If so, most quilt manufacturers have an option for a non-sewn foot box…just get the temp rating you need. I probably couldn’t go open foot box below freezing myself. On the pad, you’re looking for the Thermarest X-Therm (or maybe NXT now), or possibly an option from Exped. Sea to Summit also makes a legitimate winter pad, but it’s the black one (the gray one sucks) and it’s heavy.
Apr 11, 2019
Check out the feathered friends Flicker series. Pretty versatile. Might not have the temp rating you’re looking for but I’ve taken the 20 degree version down into the high teens. Wore some extra insulation and heavy socks and slept pretty well. Used an old Zlite under my Xlite.
Feb 29, 2012
East Wenatchee, WA
I sleep warm and on my side also. I've been using a quilt now for about 6 or 7 years, and don't have any intention of ever going back to a bag. Have you looked at the zenbivy quilt system, might be just what you're looking for?



Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
I unzip the bag and use it as a quilt if it is not very cold. How hot can you sleep if it is 20°? When it is cold I welcome a good bag.....and a stove.
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