Canning, should it be more popular? Where to begin?

I love canned deer meat. It's very versatile. But my favorite is just mixing in mayo and pickles for a sandwich. Just like you would with tuna.

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Second the All-American canner, got myself the 925 for Christmas a few years ago, will last longer than me.
Have canned elk, bone broth and also mincemeat.

My recipe for the meat is cut into 1" chunks, stuff the jar to about an 1" from the top, add a dollop of "Better than Bouillon" and a tablespoon of Italian seasoning.
I’ll third it. We got the 930 so I can do double batches of quarts. For water bath stuff I’ll use my fifteen gallon brew kettle and pack as many as I can in it.
Canning is very straightforward. If you want to do meat specifically then you’ll have to pressure can and not water bath to make sure you kill all the bacteria.

The best pressure canners are the all American canners. They are robust, have the best temperature regulation, all aluminum and can be ordered on Amazon. Highly recommend but also very expensive.

Chicken is another thing that’s really fun to pressure can. And dry beans. So much better than store bought.

If you’re getting into canning and run into a lid shortage I’ve been using the Tattler lids a lot. If you don’t plan on giving your goods away they pressure can great. Then you don’t have to sweat it when lids go on shortage.

My last recommendation is if you want to do pickling, jams, anything that is quick get a steam canner. Anything that has a time less than 40 minutes in a water bath you can use a steam canner. They are way easier than water baths and use way less water and quicker.

Amazon link for the all American canners

Couple pics one of a pepper jelly steam canned and PC some bone broth. You can see the tattler lids are the white ones


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