Canada bans sale/transfer of handguns

Has anyone noticed everything the left has blamed on the right is exactly what there now doing, have done in the past and are trying to do in the future. Come on Nov. I want the republician speaker of the house then to walk the wicked witch of the west out the door without it hitting her in the ass. Once that happens the rest of the democrats thats left will hide like rats when the lights come on in a feed bin.
Has anyone noticed everything the left has blamed on the right is exactly what there now doing, have done in the past and are trying to do in the future. Come on Nov. I want the republician speaker of the house then to walk the wicked witch of the west out the door without it hitting her in the ass. Once that happens the rest of the democrats thats left will hide like rats when the lights come on in a feed bin.
It's a psychological term called "projection",,,blaming others for what you have done/doing.
Also in their playbook, Rules for Radicals.
Dont need no stinking side arms, just read where 2 bozos killed 10 people and cut a few others in Saskatchwan today. Sorry for the spelling to my northern brethern.
It's a psychological term called "projection",,,blaming others for what you have done/doing.
Also in their playbook, Rules for Radicals.
gaslighting another term for it, it's a highly manipulative emotionally abusive tactic used by people against other people from 2 person relationships & marriages right on up to governments over it's people, once we understand the game we can win the game...the problem has been that most of us never knew there was a game...the veil is lifting on that now, the two party divide has been used by governments since the beginning of time to keep us from seeing who's shaking the jar, they put the red ants in the jar, the black ants too, everyone gets along until these few shake the jar and the ants think it's each others fault, right/left, black/white, male/female, old/young, vaxx/unvaxx, it's endless and we keep redirected thinking it's each others fault but it's not...the divides are carefully manufactured by those who remain in the shadows and they've been at this for centuries....we are not that hard to fool (everyone can agree that's true)

and of course we couldn't know, if we did we would win the game and send those against humanity to their next life where they belong, so those against humanity have to use deception and redirection to exist and don't kid yourself that those people don't exist pretty clear now that they do, it's hard to fathom what they believe but belief is the driver of all action so while we can't believe it, we can surely understand the reality of that potential
Wow — some very active imaginations in this thread. 😁
you sure you ready to step into the deep end here?

as said, if conspiracy theories coming true was an olympic sport those on the one side would hardly be able to lift their heads off the ground with all the gold medals around their neck....the other side didn't even make it to the podium, it's a little late in the game here to think you would be the most prepared in the room if all you're willing to do is be a tv with legs....those with the gold medals around their necks took ALL the information and processed it to THEIR OWN conclusion rather than just parrot the one sided conclusions given to them from the tv

just don't man, at 3 years deep in this now you gotta know it's time to start getting as much info as you can and processing it yourself before you decide to jump into conversations with those who were right all along and will continue to be right, there's reasons for that, they are the most prepared in the room, you walk in with a stick and they have the bazooka ;) the truth could care less how anyone 'feels' about it
They will move to banning knives with points ect. How about you just start flushing the earth of it criminals. Bad people do bad things. They will find away to do it.