Can someone explain Idaho trophy draws moose, goats, rams? And reg controlled game draws


Sep 12, 2018
I was just wondering how the trophy hunts affect regular controlled game? I have never put in for a "trophy" hunt in idaho but seeing as I am getting older I figured I might as well give it a shot. Is it if you put in for trophy you can't put in for elk, deer, antelope? Or is it if you don't draw on trophy you can still put in for elk deer antelope? I know i heard something on being able to put in on second draws if i dont draw trophy?

If anyone can explain this to me I would really appreciate it. Have lived here my whole life and don't know how I don't know how this system works. Im guessing it would be most beneficial to put in for all three species?
That is my understanding too. On top of that, I believe you can only apply for one of the three in the Trophy group too (possibly deer/elk as well). It's how they limit the applicants and bump up draw odds.
Thanks everyone for clearing that up for me. Looks like i need to pick one and be done!!
You can only apply for 1 of the big 3. Sheep OR goat OR moose. If you apply for 1, you are done.

Or, you can apply for deer, elk and antelope.

I thought you could apply for any/all, but if you drew a tag for the big 3, only then you lost any other tags you may have drawn?

The restriction on deer/elk/antelope tags is based on application, not a successful draw?
I thought you could apply for any/all, but if you drew a tag for the big 3, only then you lost any other tags you may have drawn?

The restriction on deer/elk/antelope tags is based on application, not a successful draw?
• A person who has applied for a bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or moose controlled hunt may not apply for any other controlled hunt in the same year, except unlimited controlled hunts, a controlled black bear hunt, controlled turkey hunt, extra deer, extra elk, or extra pronghorn controlled hunts, or a designated depredation hunt. In addition, applicants for bighorn sheep, mountain goat or moose controlled hunts are eligible to participate in the second deer, elk and pronghorn application period and in first-come, first-served deer, elk and pronghorn controlled hunt tag sales.
• A person who has applied for a bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or moose controlled hunt may not apply for any other controlled hunt in the same year, except unlimited controlled hunts, a controlled black bear hunt, controlled turkey hunt, extra deer, extra elk, or extra pronghorn controlled hunts, or a designated depredation hunt. In addition, applicants for bighorn sheep, mountain goat or moose controlled hunts are eligible to participate in the second deer, elk and pronghorn application period and in first-come, first-served deer, elk and pronghorn controlled hunt tag sales.

Very good. I missed that. Oddly enough the guy who told me the former was a lawyer.

So much for lawyers interpreting game laws ;-)
The way it works for me is I send them about $250 every year, anticipate the draw results date for about a week in late June and then receive three not selected notifications. Maybe next year.
This has stung me also. It IS super simple, once explained in plain English. I did not know I could apply for Deer AND Elk and Antelope. Wasted a swing at both controlled Elk and Antelope this year.

30A deer, Not Selected.

Also had head up ass for the Big 3. As mountain goat will be my sole focus from now on. Missed the deadline on those.