Can I ruin your day?

Thanks for the song. Not looking forward to any of this, though I know it’s coming. The thought also makes me reflect on my relationships and time with my own sons and what’s really important.
Lost my Dad in August 2014 at 70 after long bout of cancer. Lost my best friend suddenly in February 2015 at 40 to heart attack. Lost my cousin in October 2016 at 58 to cancer. Lost my big brother in August of 2019 at 50 to cancer.

As somebody who's seen some loss in my life, my point is this, and I know it sounds cliche. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow. Be glad that you wake up every day, and try to take/make extra time to appreciate your freinds and family. Make that time count and be present. Don't put off this trip or that trip, even if the reasons (excuses) sound good or make sense at the time. When dads, brothers, cousins, sons, daughters, and friends are gone, they're gone. The loss never goes away and you'll miss them every day and tear up when you least expect it. It could be a smell, a taste, an experience, or some deja vu. It will hit you and when it does it hits hard. Time makes things a little better, and it helps focus the good times, but people that say "time heals all wounds" are full of crap. Love your friends and family unconditionally and have no regrets.
I was lucky enough to spend my mom's last days on earth with her. She died a week ago Sunday. It is not easy, but I would not trade it for anything. Given the fact she dedicated her whole life to raising us, the least I could do was be there. I am sure your dad knew how much you loved and appreciated him.

As to the song - you say goodbye by holding them deep in your heart and your thoughts, and telling them they will not be forgotten - and then don't forget.
I spent the last six weeks caring for my Dad in his home prior to his death at 87 five years ago. What an experience, and in a good way.

Sorry for your loss and the fact that you didn't get to be there and say a few last words. Sounds like you're not beating yourself up over the situation and that is a fortunate thing moving forward. Hard to be philosophical through the pain of loss, but we're all standing on the train tracks, some of us are just closer to the train than others. Timing in life is a roll of the dice and I'm sorry you you missed those last few moments. My thoughts are with you.
Thanks for the song. Not looking forward to any of this, though I know it’s coming. The thought also makes me reflect on my relationships and time with my own sons and what’s really important.
This is true. I feel bad putting my son in this situation in a long time (I hope)...
My father died about 30 years ago and I still carry a rifle of his at least once per deer or elk hunt.
Sweet. I inherited my grandpa's rifle, still have it back in Sweden, gotta import it over here one of these days.